To share the joy of a jade plant, you can use a cutting to start a new plant. The plants prefer cooler temperatures in the winter of 55⁰F both day and night. Water when the top 1 to 2 inches of soil are dry. Under some conditions, the jade plant can become spindly and bare. In winter, let it dry between waterings. The best time for jade plant pruning is in spring or summer, but jade plants can be pruned year round. When to Prune a Jade Plant. Fertilizing Your Jade Plant. This also helps prevent plant diseases and jade pests. Pruning jade plants in spring or summer will simply result in a faster recovery from the trim than any other time of year because the plants are in active growth. Plant jade plants in well-draining soil in a pot with drainage holes. They live for a very long time, often being passed down from generation to generation and reaching heights of three feet or more when grown indoors. With their thick, woody stems and oval-shaped leaves, jade plants have a miniature, tree-like appearance that makes them very appealing for use as a decorative houseplant. Start by trimming a three-inch piece of branch or a leaf. Prune off dead or shriveled branches. Set the leaf or the healed branch on a … This is the main section that connects to the roots. Use sharp, clean shears. Many people enjoy growing jade plants in their homes and offices, and they are considered to be symbols of good luck. After a month, feed jade plants when you water with Miracle-Gro® Succulent Plant Food. How to Grow a Jade Plant. Or if you are mainly looking to shape your jade plant, prune individual leaves or partial sections of branches. When you water, if there is water in the saucer on the bottom, empty is immediately. How to Care for a Jade Plant Leaving your plant standing in water will cause root rot. Keep reading to learn how to care for a jade plant. For a plant with dying or problematic growth, however, prune as needed to keep the plant healthy. If your jade plant becomes top-heavy, slip its plant pot into a larger pot and fill in between the pots with fresh soil. Use a balanced water soluble fertilizer. For proper jade plant care, fertilize your jade plant about once every six months. Ideal indoor temperatures for growing jade plants are daytime temperatures of 65⁰F to 75⁰F and nighttime temperatures of 55⁰F. Jade plants will live through temperatures that dip into the mid 30s if the soil is dry and there is no frost or freeze. If this happens, there are steps you can take to make it look fuller and thicker. The jade is one of the most popular house plants, favored for its distinctive shape and its dark, green leaves. An important thing to keep in mind is that you should water your jade plant in the regular way and then water it with the fertilizer water. Pinch out new growth with your thumb and finger to encourage the plant to fill out and develop dense foliage, if it begins to look leggy or spindly. Water the jade plant in spring and summer often enough to keep the soil moist but never wet.