This makes it great for getting in extra hydration during hot days. Here's a list of the levels of Vitamin K in some common vegetables. Contaminated romaine lettuce that made people sick in this outbreak harvested from the Salinas Valley growing region in California is no longer available for sale. Common symptoms of E. coli infection include … Iceberg lettuce has fallen out of favor among foodies, but I have always loved it. Nope, Romaine Lettuce Is Still Not Safe to Eat. Iceberg lettuce is regarded (unfairly) as being low in nutrition but it is great in sandwiches and salads and lasts a long time in the fridge. (And yes, iceberg is safe to eat!) This is probably because, compared to other varieties of lettuce, iceberg lettuce has a lower nutritional content. Food safety lawyer Bill Marler said consumers should not give up eating a good thing out of fear. It is the one lettuce that doesn't have a lot of Vitamin K. One cup of iceberg lettuce contains only about 13 micrograms (mcg) of Vitamin K. This is a low amount and should be safe for you to use as part of your diet while on Coumadin® (warfarin). Still, most people find brown lettuce unappealing and will want to cut off the discolored parts.Browning usually results from oxidation caused by Is it safe to eat salad with all the news about E. coli? All romaine lettuce in the U.S. is unsafe to eat, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said in a warning that may alter some Thanksgiving menus across the country. Considering that iceberg lettuce is commonly used in salads, the staple food for people who are trying to lose weight, it comes as no surprise that the calories in iceberg lettuce are relatively low. “We won’t be using any romaine lettuce this year,” Jasmine Holmes while shopping for groceries the day before Thanksgiving. After a recent E. coli outbreak , our nation said "thank u, next" to romaine lettuce and "thank u, yes" to its leafy relative — iceberg . As of January 15, 2020, this outbreak appears to be over. It is the one lettuce that doesn't have a lot of Vitamin K. One cup of iceberg lettuce contains only about 13 micrograms (mcg) of Vitamin K. This is a low amount and should be safe for you to use as part of your diet while on Coumadin® (warfarin). By Heloise. While taking Coumadin, is it OK to eat iceberg lettuce? If this is only just starting to occur, you're jonesing for a salad and it's the only lettuce you have, it's still safe to eat. There’s still iceberg lettuce, green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce and butterhead lettuce, which are still safe to eat, according to the CDC. Outbreak of E. coli Infections Linked to Romaine Lettuce. Bio ... it’s safe to eat, but it does look a little yucky in a salad bowl! The history of lettuce in America began when colonist John Winthrop brought lettuce seeds to the New World. Let's start off with the idea that iceberg is the slacker of the lettuce kingdom. It also turns brown and dries out, starting at the edges and the base of the leaves by the stem. A far more insightful measure is by calories. Iceberg lettuce has a crisp texture and cooling effect, both of which are good indicators of its higher water content, according to nutritionist Carolyn Williams, PhD, RDN.