We fought over who would have to sleep on … I don't know how to modify a normal bed frame to match a custom mattress… Some materials, like 100% memory foam or airy polyurethane foam, can be temperature sensitive. If you’re interested in cutting mattress foam—whether you’re downsizing your bed, designing a custom mattress for a campervan, or splitting a king-size piece of foam into multiple mattresses—the process is … If using flat or other foam sheets, cut the foam a quarter-inch smaller than the size of the sewn-together mattress sleeve sheets. Do your homework, but it is very easy to start with something very simple to be very happy. How to Make a Firm Memory Foam Mattress Softer. Not a bad deal. Find out more: How to Make Your Memory Foam Mattress Cooler in 3 Simple Steps. Cutting foam or memory foam is a cinch, and we’ll walk you through exactly how to do it using tools you already own. You can put in the extra effort to walk gently on your mattress a few times daily. Mattress foam is comfy, breathable, and versatile, making it a popular bedding choice. The production of memory foam is a true marvel of modern chemistry and industry. We fought over who would have to sleep on … You should use a latex mattress topper or a high-density memory foam mattress topper for a firm yet adjustable support. If you need to firm up your Tempurpedic, or any foam mattress, try setting the room temperature colder. Articles on how many toxic chemicals are present in average mattress aren’t helping you make your choice either. Over 15% of users said that their mattress retains heat or that it sleeps warm, resulting in restless and sweaty nights.. While this tip was mentioned as a way to make a hard mattress softer, it’s usually more effective for making a soft and saggy cushion feel firm again. Latex and memory foam toppers are the best choices to make mattress firmer. Have you ever wondered what the #1 complaint is with memory foam?. How Memory Foam is Made. And the prices aren’t that easy to swallow either. Also, mattress pads tend to be thinner and make mattresses softer, so look specifically for a topper.