Natto . K2 is contained in a certain set of foods that people are less aware of. Can you eat too much natto? “The world is paying attention to ' Natto ',which contributes to Japanese longevity." Eating only a few ounces of natto equates to taking 5-6 (expensive) Vitamin K2 supplement capsules! So these rats are getting quite a bit, but not an unreasonably large amount of NK per day - about the equivalent of 8-16x as much as is in the natto I'm currently eating … It doesn’t sound too appetizing, but I hope you're taking it. Around two cups will get ya your daily value of 80 mcg vit K That is around a lifetime serving for me. More on these in later posts), then someone looking to add natto to their diet could potentially do so by: A) Eating a lot of natto to get used to it and, B) Doing so with a positive attitude. Once you get used to its taste, you will grow to like this unique food. Sometimes Mom and Grandmother join her. So, natto can play a crucial role as a low cost, truly natural whole food that has many other benefits to boot. Health benefits of vitamin K2. Can you eat too much natto? The fermentation process removes the disadvantages associated with eating raw or cooked soy, so you’re left with a dish that is filled with probiotics and nutrients that can help optimize your health. Protects against heart disease Each 1-cup serving is high in protein, fiber, antioxidant phytochemicals and essential vitamins and minerals like iron, selenium, vitamin C and vitamin K. However, eating more than a few servings of natto a day might cause harmful side effects in some people. Here is a list showing the average amounts of vitamin K2 content (in micrograms) per 100g in foods with the highest K2 levels. It’s been a traditional and popular, yet polarizing health food for centuries in Japan. The high NK dose was twice that, or four cartons of natto per day. One hundred grams of natto contains approximately 1,000μg of menaquinone 7. Vitamin K2 is closely connected with the health of our bones, teeth, and overall immune system. ! My teenage daughter eats natto every evening with dinner. Each 1-cup serving is high in protein, fiber, antioxidant phytochemicals and essential vitamins and minerals like iron, selenium, vitamin C and vitamin K. However, eating more than a few servings of natto a day might cause harmful side effects in some people. Aside from the trendy eats like kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, yogurt, miso, etc., there's one food in this group that's much less well-known and a little trickier to eat. While Vitamin K1 is easier to consume (relatively), if you don’t consciously try to eat K2 rich foods, you’re likely not eating enough. A normal person is supposed to consume 1μg per 1 kg of body weight each day, which means that a person of 60 kg should consume 60μg of menaquinone 7. Other times where natto over rice is enjoyed is as a snack, side dish, or even as a quick and easy meal. Nattokinase, as you may know, is an enzyme found in natto, a traditional Japanese, fermented, soybean food meal. (That's 30 mg for supplements) There is said to be 73.5 mg of isoflavone per 100 gram serving of natto. I have never heard of anyone talking about natto having any negative effects that could be of concern if you eat too much. Most people add a dab of soy sauce for flavor. 2 cups!! It means you can eat as much natto as you want. Natto is an incredibly nutritious food that's worth acquiring a taste for.