Apply directly to the soil and water as normal. These plants are renowned for being quite difficult to propagate, but it can be achieved with some close attention, determination, and practice. Although members of its family can grow to heights of 25 feet or more in the wild, schefflera arboricola is a dwarf variety that usually maxes out at six or eight feet. You would need to train another branch to vertical growth if you want the tree to grow taller, and any secondary branch near the top of the tree will willingly take over the duties of leader. Because it's so tolerant, schefflera makes a good choice for living, dining, family, and bedrooms. In other zones, you can use Schefflera as an annual foliage plant or keep it in a container and move indoors if cold temperatures arrive. Several cuttings may be placed together in one container. The plant is […] If you look for a houseplant with an abundance of foliage, graceful, picturesque and at the same time unpretentious, a Dwarf Tree Schefflera – that plant which is necessary for you. If conditions are right, rooting should take place relatively quickly, more so with the cuttings method. Then, to reduce the width of the plant, cut back the horizontal branches just above a growth node so that new growth will be fuller and healthier. Indoors, they will only grow to about 8 feet (2.5 meters).You can manage the height of your umbrella plant by trimming and shaping it. If the plant grows undisturbed, it may soon appear bald and shabby. Briefly, when leaving for Dwarf Umbrella Tree in house conditions it is necessary to remember two main things – the correct watering and the correct lighting. Q:My schefflera is growing like a weed!It's very tall. This will give the plants an instant boost of nutrition for strong growth. A month after planting, begin feeding schefflera plants once a week with Miracle-Gro® Indoor Plant Food. You can use seeds or leaf and stem cuttings. Pruning schefflera plants is not strictly necessary, but if you want a pretty umbrella shape and a certain height, or if your plant has gotten out of control, you can easily trim it. Stick the end of the cutting into the potting mix, being sure to cover up at least one to two leaf eyes. I know they're easy to grow (obviously!) It will take several months for your schefflera cutting to grow adequate roots before you can transplant it to regular potting soil. You can wait until the soil in the pot dries out and then thoroughly soak the soil when you water. If conditions are right, rooting should take place relatively quickly, more so with the cuttings method. How to prune my beanstalk Schefflera (responds well to severe cutting back; you can probably get the tops you cut off to grow new roots, making more plants) Schefflera needs pruning to stay in shape SW corner of backyard A month after planting, begin feeding schefflera plants once a week with Miracle-Gro® Indoor Plant Food. I suggest you cut the top half of the tree off, get the cutting to root in water and then plant it right next to the existing trunk and continue this until you get the effect that you are going for. Check for rooting. Then, to reduce the width of the plant, cut back the horizontal branches just above a growth node so that new growth will be fuller and healthier. To do this, in the spring take cuttings of 2 to 6 inches in length. Apply directly to the soil and water as normal. Trunk girth takes time, sealing it in a bag will help with air roots as described above. Schefflera looks the most plenteous and lush, when there are several plants placed in one pot. Each cutting should be three to five inches long and contain one or more leaves. Place cutting in water. There are a couple of different ways to propagate a schefflera plant. A way to test whether your schefflera cutting has grown strong roots is, after two months of growing in perlite, gently pull on the plant by the stem. There are a couple of different ways to propagate a schefflera plant. Umbrella Plant Tree or Schefflera: How To Care And Grow At Home Melissa April 4, 2019 0 If you look for a houseplant with an abundance of foliage, graceful, picturesque and at the same time unpretentious, a Dwarf Tree Schefflera – that plant which is necessary for you. Dip the end of the s schefflera into a rooting hormone and shake off the excess. To prune a schefflera plant, use pruning shears to trim the stem right above a growth node where a leaf has sprouted. Poke a 2-inch hole in the soil with a pencil. Look under the question "How do I take a cutting from a schefflera and get it to grow?