While there is no one magic food that can shed pounds, eating sweet potatoes as part of a healthy, balanced diet may be beneficial during weight loss. Yams contain carbohydrate but they also contain fiber that good to control weight loss. Health Benefits of Eating Yams 1. Yams, often confused with sweet potatoes, are a tuber native to Africa and Asia. This feeling of fullness from the lingering glucomannan gel helps you keep you food cravings at bay. Incorporate them in your diet plan in moderation to support your healthy physique goals. Wild Yam vs. Yam vs. Mexican Yam vs. Sweet Potato. Wild yam, a vine with a dry, tuberous root, is native to North America and China. Wild Yam. How sweet potatoes can help with weight loss and weight management. Sweet potatoes are technically a vegetable. Besides, yams are low calories food. Sweet potatoes are higher in nutrients than yams, but both are a nutritious way to fill your stomach while trying to lose weight. Can sweet potatoes help you lose weight? Aids Weight Loss. Why Wild Yam Should NOT be Used for Progesterone. While you may be aware of the numerous health benefits associated with sweet potatoes, chances are that you aren't aware how sweet potatoes can help you to lose weight… But you have to cook it properly! Top 20 Health Benefits Of Elephant Foot Yam-Yam promotes weight loss and also reduces cholesterol levels in the body. Yams, often confused with sweet potatoes, are a tuber native to Africa and Asia. Yam has been found to contain glucomannan, a powerful dietary fiber that turns into a gel that can linger in your stomach, helping you stay full all through the day. This helps in preventing overeating and in promoting a healthy weight loss. It makes the stool bulky and ensures smooth and regular bowel movements. Wild yam is mainly used as a supplement due to the DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) it contains, which is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands that are made into supplements. Second, it is low in calories to prevent weight gain. However, more research is required to understand the skin benefits of yams on humans. 11. ERIN_POSCH 11/28/2019. Here is a closer look at the benefits of sweet potatoes and how eating them may help with weight loss. Helps Fight Inflammation They vary in size, and are generally cylindrical in shape. Health Benefits of Eating Yams 1. 12 health benefits of yam. Though not suitable for eating, wild yam root is used in traditional and herbal medicines for its active compound, diosgenin, a phytoestrogen. As mentioned above, sweet potatoes are fairly low in calories and this is a good thing if you are trying to control your weight. Sweet potatoes and yams contain many nutrients that make them a healthy addition to a weight loss meal plan. This helps in preventing overeating and in promoting a healthy weight loss. They vary in size, and are generally cylindrical in shape. Yams tend to be dry and starchy, providing a healthy energy source with important nutritional benefits. Find out how Jamie incorporated the sweet potato into her daily diet plan and dropped 90 pounds! Can eating a sweet potato every day help lead to consistent weight loss? 12 health benefits of yam. Wild yam is mainly used as a supplement due to the DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) it contains, which is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands that are made into supplements.