Browse the top thrash metal artists to find new music. The rhythm guitar parts are played with heavy distortion and often palm muted to create a tighter and more precise sound. It started in the early to mid '80s and was at its peak in the late '80s. Thrash metal is an Extreme metal variety of Heavy metal, one that is characterised by fast tempos, high speed riffing and aggression. The origins of thrash metal are fiendishly hard to pin down to one seminal starting point, but one fact is undeniable: as the 80s began, heavy metal music started to get faster, heavier and more proudly in-your-face.. These bands essentially played thrash metal with a heavy emphasis on Satanic and occult themes in the lyrics and imagery. Thrash metal was an inspiration for later extreme genres such as death metal and black metal. Inspired by a myriad disparate influences, including Motörhead, Venom, the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, the first wave of punk rock and the nascent hardcore punk scene, the first thrash bands emerged at a time when mainstream metal was heading back to the stadium circuit after a few years in the commercial wilderness. It started in the early to mid '80s and was at its peak in the late '80s. Metal enjoyed its greatest presence on the charts during the '80s, thanks to a raft of glammed-up pop-metal bands, but thrash bands played complex riffs at breakneck speed, sometimes dispensing with vocal melody altogether. These bands essentially played thrash metal with a heavy emphasis on Satanic and occult themes in the lyrics and imagery. Issu du heavy metal et du punk , il se développe surtout aux États-Unis , en Allemagne et au Royaume-Uni . Thrash metal is also known as speed metal, and since many of the early thrash bands were from San Francisco, it became known as Bay Area Thrash. This list also includes certain bands which belong to the first wave of black metal. Thrash Music Description. Contribute to this style page 38 Tankard Tankard is a thrash metal band from Frankfurt am Main, Germany, founded in 1982. Thrash metal is also known as speed metal, and since many of the early thrash bands were from San Francisco, it became known as Bay Area Thrash. Sous-genres Crossover thrash Genres dérivés Groove metal , death metal , black metal , power metal , metalcore Genres associés Speed metal modifier Le thrash metal est un style de metal apparu au début des années 1980 . Thrash metal generally features fast tempos, low-register, complex guitar riffs, high-register guitar solos and double bass drumming. Beer metal, awesome, heavy and fun, also good THRASH, another great band from Germany!