Zinc is mainly used as a protective coating for iron. Metals are found on the left of the line, and non-metals are those on the right. Currently, almost any object produced by use of technology uses metals … Uses for Metals and Nonmetals A metal's use is directly linked to its qualities. It is yellow and not shiny at all. Examples include gold, platinum, silver, rhodium, iridium and palladium. Here are lists of five metals and five nonmetals, an explanation of how you can tell them apart, and some examples of their uses. Metal and Non-metals have some very interesting and useful chemical properties, which makes our lives easier. Revise Science chapters using videos at TopperLearning - 1972 Metals have been used in treatments since ancient times. In the past, these metals were profoundly used for cooking, farming tools, weapons (bow, arrows, swords) and also in locomotive wagons.. Zinc is mainly used as a protective coating for iron. We need you to answer this question! Question 3 Which non-metal is used in water purification? Metals   Iron is used for making automobiles, machinery, pipes, containers, nails, etc. Since noble gases and halogens are also nonmetals, these elements are often referred to as non-metals. Metal and Non-metals have some very interesting and useful chemical properties, which makes our lives easier. The term noble metal is commonly used in opposition to base metal. Question 1 Name one non-metal which is essential for maintaining life? Most elements are metals, but quite a few are nonmetals.It's important to be able to distinguish between the different types of elements. In the periodic table, non-metals are located left of the halogens and to the right of the metalloids. The materials that are present around us are grouped widely into metals and non-metals. We use elements every single day, even if we don’t realize it. USES OF METALS AND NON-METALS Uses of some common metals and non-metals are as follows. Today, we’re going to take a closer look at nonmetals. Other Uses of Metals. The materials that are present around us are grouped widely into metals and non-metals. An example of a liquid that is a nonmetal is bromine. Gold and silver are used for making jewellery. Question 2 Name one non-metal used for making fertilisers? They offer various uses in everyday life. An example of a solid that is a nonmetal is sulfur. First of all Mettaloids are the elements who show both metallic and non metallic properties. Usually, gases or brittle solids are non-metals. Thanks for requesting the answer. The periodic table can be broadly segregated into two types of elements, commonly referred to as metals and non-metals. It is also used for manufacturing of steel and provides high temperature in metal fabrication process. Color coding for atomic numbers: Elements numbered in blue are liquids at Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP);; those in green are gases at STP;; those in black are solid at STP;; those in red are synthetic (all are solid at STP). Sodium vanadate has been used since the early 20th century to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Copper is used for making electrical wires, cooking utensils, etc. 2.5 Metals, metalloids and non-metals (ESAAD) The elements in the periodic table can also be divided according to whether they are metals, metalloids or non-metals. The oxides … Two of the nonmetals—hydrogen and helium—make up over 99 per cent of the observable Universe, and one—oxygen—makes up close to half of the Earth's crust, oceans and atmosphere. The zigzag line separates all the elements that are metals from those that are non-metals. The Ebers Papyrus from 1500BC is the first written account of the use of metals for treatment and describes the use of Copper to reduce inflammation and the use of iron to treat anemia. A non metal is also a good insulator for heat and cold. USES OF METALS AND NON-METALS Uses of some common metals and non-metals are as follows. Watch Reaction of Metals With Water, Acids & Bases Videos tutorials for CBSE Class 8 Science. Elements that come under nonmetals are sulfur, carbon, all halogens, phosphorus, hydrogen, oxygen, selenium, nitrogen, and noble gases. Uses of metals and non-metals include: Metals Tin- preserving food Zinc- medical field Non metals Oxygen- Breathing Chlorine- Purifying water Let's find out more about them in this section. Question 4 Name non-metal used to make purple coloured solution which is applied on cuts and wounds as on antiseptic? Metals Iron is used for making automobiles, machinery, pipes, containers, nails, etc. What is the uses of non-metals? Uses of Metals are: Chosen for their durability, strength and resistance to weather, metals used in the construction industry serve a wide range of functions. The reactive ones are the alkali metals like sodium (symbol Na) and the alkaline earth metals like calcium (symbol Ca).