What eats a black eyed Susan plant? Of course, if I had done these things previously, our black-eyed Susan might still have become infected. Hours: We are currently closed and in the process of remodeling our new location at 7908 Long Beach Boulevard in Harvey Cedars. The last couple of years my black-eyed Susan flowers have been snipped off as if someone has just cut off the flower. But I don't think it would have succumbed so completely, especially since our plants are doing fairly well now that I'm treating them with the care that they deserve. The dark center or eye of the flower head holds 250 to 500 individual flowers, and to pollinators, each one of these is a shallow nectar cup. Rabbits love black eyed susan leaves. Black-eyed Susans generally grow between 1 and 3 feet tall (though they can grow taller) and can spread between 12 to 18 inches, so plant seeds closer to prevent lots of spreading or plant further apart to make a nice border. I garden in zone 6b. There was no trace of any bits of the flower on the ground or the plant being trampled on. Collecting Black Eyed Susan seeds is really pretty easy. The original Black-Eyed Susan cocktail called for 1 ounce each of vodka and rum, 3/4 ounce of Cointreau, and 1 1/2 ounces each of orange juice and pineapple juice. Cattle that ingest black-eyed Susan may suffer from irritation of the stomach and intestinal lining. These natives lend themselves well to mass plantings, appearing as a pool of gold. Garnish it with an orange wheel, pineapple cube, and cherry. Insect Pests As with many other types of garden plants and flowering perennials, aphids are the primary insect pest of black-eyed Susans. According to the University of Vermont, black-eyed Susan may also act as a skin irritant. According to the University of Vermont, black-eyed Susan may also act as a skin irritant. If you know the answer to this question, please register to join our limited beta program and start the conversation right now! These are shallow enough that even small wasps and flies can drink from them,… Pigs that eat it may wander aimlessly or enter a coma. After all, Rudbeckia hirta is naturally prone to rust, gray mold and mildew infections. Black-eyed Susans have long been a staple in perennial gardens, and we can't imagine that changing any time soon. Black-eyed Susan – Flower Petals Disappear Q: My black-eyed Susans were beautiful last year, but this year the growth is stunted by a very small black beetle. I have found they leave my Black Eyed Susans alone when they are planted near something strong-smelling (like the ones near my Russian Sage or near my Cleome). It just takes a couple of minutes, but the effort is well worth it. At their peak bloom, black-eyed Susans steal the garden show. Pigs that eat it may wander aimlessly or enter a coma. I've found that exclusion is the best way to deal with rabbits. We need you to answer this question! Reply Delete I bought a roll of two foot green vinyl covered wire fence and some 1/4" round steel bar (or a fence post). They eat the petals, then when they run out of petals, they eat the plant down to a nub! It eats the upper bud and leaves. We plan on opening our doors in late April 2020. My cone flowers, black eyed susans, and asters get eaten to the ground. Black-eyed Susans are valued as long-blooming perennials, putting out numerous flowers non-stop for most of the summer and into early autumn.The cheerful flowers consist of golden petals that radiate from a dark cone (thus the common name, even though the color is more of a dark brown).