The plant can flourish in less-forgiving landscapes such as roadsides, so it’s ideal for the harsh climate of the UAE.
Senna plant. The hottest months of summer are here. We bet you didn't know that you CAN cut onions without crying. The thick forests of India host some of the most exotic and rare wildlife species in the world. With the help of over 7,000 of the world’s best wildlife filmmakers and photographers, conservationists and scientists, featured multi-media fact-files for more than 16,000 endangered species. These are the colours associated with this vibrant plant, which makes it a … Desert plants have found a place in modern home and garden design. 28. There is great news for all the gardening and home décor lovers in the UAE. Eight undocumented plant species were found growing in different parts of the UAE, adding to the idea that so much of the flora and fauna in this country is yet to be discovered. Many plant families have multiple succulents found within them (over 25 plant families). Here are seven of the most amazing ones. Many different varieties of desert plants live in the desert, from wildflowers to shrubbery to spiny cacti and different trees. 40 Fun Facts About Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Ferrari owns the largest indoor theme park in Abu Dhabi. If a windowsill spot, or other bright, well-lit space in the home is not available, consider grow lights. This is that part of the year when all outdoor activities are shunned and residents of this beautiful city shift their focus indoors. Both were known in the fossil record before they were found alive. Enjoying the native plants to the Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve. The heat is on in Dubai! 10 of the World’s Strangest Plant Species. Succulents are often grown as ornamental plants because of their striking and unusual appearance, as well as their ability to thrive with relatively minimal care. Know all about the rare species, interesting facts about them and where they can be found. Achupalla provides a favored food source for the spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus), an unusual species of bear named for its eyeglasslike facial markings. Category: Weird Science. Here are some fun and interesting facts about plants and gardening! 16. Native plant organizations such as Wild Ones, native plant societies, and Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center encourage the use of native plants, especially in public spaces. Located on the southeast coast of the Persian Gulf with a population of 2,327,000 residents (at the end of 2014), Dubai is the most populous city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The combination of global warming and habitat destruction is the sole reason for the disappearance of many plants. There are many plants in the desert that can survive in a xeriscape garden or even in a glass terrarium.