Move pots to direct sunlight indoors when the bulbs begin to bloom.
The bulbs are now grown commercially in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
Plant hyacinth bulbs in fall in a sunny location.
Hyacinth bulbs can irritate your skin, so do wear gloves to handle them. Planting Hyacinth Bulbs. Stop watering and fertilizing the hyacinths when their leaves turn yellow and wither. As long as the soil is moist, you don’t need to water your bulbs in. 1. Colors often seen are purple hyacinth flowers, pink hyacinth flowers, yellow hyacinth flowers, white hyacinth flowers, peach hyacinth flowers and even true blue hyacinth … Do not get the bulbs wet. From dahlias and daffodils to lilies and tulips, bulb plants create gorgeous flowers that will brighten up any yard or garden. To get bulbs to flower, you need to use a technique called forcing. Cut back the foliage to the ground when the leaves are brown and dead, allowing as much time as possible for the bulbs to gather and store energy. When the soil has dried out, carefully dig up the bulb and remove the dead foliage. Curing hyacinths is very easy. 6. Potted up and brilliantly blooming in early spring, hyacinths, with their heady, sweet fragrance are hard to pass up in the store. Hyacinth bulbs need a chilling period in order to bloom. Protective gloves are recommended. Forcing Hyacinths How-To. Continue reading for some tips on how to plant hyacinth flowers in the garden so you can enjoy some early spring color. The bulbs will flower about 6 weeks after you put them in water, so if you need blossoms for an occasion, count backward to determine the planting time. If you buy naked bulbs, as opposed to blooming plants, you’ll have to provide several months of chilling to coax the flowers out. hyacinth bulbs need to be pre-chilled As with most other spring-blooming bulbs, hyacinths need to go through a period of cold weather (35-48°F) in order to bloom properly. Florist suppliers often have precooled hyacinth bulbs available, ready for forcing. Store hyacinth bulbs in cool, damp sand until you are ready to force them. Feed your plant with a good indoor plant fertilizer to build up even more of this energy. Like many other flowers, the hyacinth grows from bulbs that are traditionally planted in the ground. Lay the bulbs out on a newspaper in a cool, dark place for three days. Store the bulbs in the refrigerator for at least three months. Most hyacinth bulbs for indoor use are forced to flower; this means they're chilled for a period of time to mimic the conditions of overwintering, which stimulates them to produce blooms. Plant your bulbs to a depth of 10cm (4"), spacing them 8cm (3") apart. Water the bulbs until well saturated. How to store hyacinth bulbs The blossoms of the hyacinth plant have a strong and pleasant fragrance. Store the hyacinth bulbs in a cool, dark area during summer if you prefer to plant them in fall. Forcing Hyacinths How-To.