Knowing how to care properly for outdoor ferns during the winter months can keep them healthy throughout the year, whether kept in a pot or planted in a garden. Keeping or hanging the fern pots in the appropriate location. Indoors, this plant would like to be fed a few times a year in spring, summer & early fall. Simply cut back long stragglers that might make it difficult to place indoors. 19 Tips to Take Care of the Extremely Gorgeous Maidenhair Ferns. None of the popular household ferns can tolerate dry conditions for long. Temperature is one of the most vital factors for keeping ferns alive indoors. Here are some quick tips on how to keep your fern alive and healthy. GROWING FERNS SUCCESSFULLY INDOORS. buried deep in the pot), and free from rot/pest. When growing outdoors, Staghorn Ferns get their nourishment from organic matter which falls on them from the plants above. Wet feet: ferns love water but they hate being soggy (it's all a very delicate mix). Ferns make a lovely addition to gardens, and despite their delicate appearance, many varieties are hardy enough to tolerate both hot and cold conditions throughout the year. Twitter Google+. Extension Professor Looking for a houseplant that requires little care, thrives in low-light conditions, and adds visual interest to a room? Caring for Ferns Indoors. There is no need for heavy pruning. Ferns don't like the wind; so keep them sheltered and out of spaces like corridors that can create wind tunnels. Care of asparagus ferns indoors involves misting the arching stems to provide humidity to the plant. Ferns are one of the most primitive plants that have adapted themselves to changing environmental conditions. Here in Indonesia, people rarely keep ferns indoor. Fortunately, there are many simple and cheap DIY tricks to keep your green friends properly hydrated so that you don't return home to a house full of wilting and yellowing plants. For this, you can put your fern near window, far from heater/AC, and keep them from pest/ant's nests. Keeping that in mind, the Boston fern needs warmer temperatures to thrive outdoors and indoors. Maidenhair Ferns are a beautiful evergreen plant with lots of fine foliage but they can be a very delicate plant to look after and keep alive. That said, there are some general rules you can follow to avoid common indoor plant problems and to help keep your ferns alive, and thriving. For example, Boston ferns are considered relatively low maintenance while maidenhair ferns are notoriously difficult to please and have a distinct disdain for air-conditioners and heaters. Feed your ferns every couple of months.