• Season green papaya with cinnamon, honey, and butter.Bake for a delightfully different side dish. Every part of the papaya plant can be used for multiple health benefits Like papaya, the leaf is also rich in enzymes like papain and chymopapain Papaya leaf juice increases the platelet count 2. I pan-fry the chicken first in order to keep the skin from shrinking too much when stewing (or … Recipe of the Day Seared Scallops with Spicy Papaya Sauce. Evaluate the leaves after ten minutes and check on them regularly every following 10 minutes until they reach the desired dryness level. Papaya Recipes Browse 30 papaya recipes including green papaya salad, jams and sauces. Papaya is a plant grown in the tropical regions and its leaves are beneficial in many ways as discussed below. Get answers now from the Center for Advancement in Cancer Education. How to make Papaya leaf juice. • Use scooped out papaya halves as a serving dish for fruit, chicken or seafood salads. Papaya is thought to interact with the anticoagulant warfarin and, according to a report published by the “American Journal of Health” in 2000, patients taking warfarin should avoid papaya … Can you eat papaya leaves? Papaya is excellent for health, even all the parts including roots, trees, leaves, papaya fruit. And Papaya Leaf tea soothes away colon inflammation from IBS and other inflammatory bowel diseases. We tell you benefits of papaya leaf juice. A guide to cook with papaya leaves . Papaya leaves are also high in minerals like calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron and manganese. Not only the fruit, papaya leaves are edible and rich in nutrition. … Dry the leaves in the microwave. Peel and seed the papaya and cut into one inch cubes or diagonals. Use seven medium size papaya leaves - not very old ones, and no. Some are cook as a soup with coconut milk or curry powder, but this recipe let you cook in simple way. Like the fruit, the leaf is rich in enzymes like papain and chymopapain, which aid digestion, prevents bloating and other digestive disorders. You want the leaves to be dry and brittle but not burnt. Anti-Malarial Properties Papaya leaves have strong anti-malarial properties.