715. It just means it's illegal to use _someone_else's_ milk crate for _any_ purpose without the owner's permission, or … Finally, a Milk Crate that isn't illegal to own! ಠ_ಠ LINOs I'm looking at you. Dairy Farmers group external affairs manager Stuart Silver says 2000 milk crates are lost each day in Australia, mostly used by people as storage containers. Taking the property of another is not. We used to commonly call them "$2000 tables", as that was the supposed fine if caught in possession. I have a friend who works at a small bakery and said it was illegal for them to give them away. In an era when police brutality is a real danger and its effects can turn into front-page news in an instant, laws for the possession of a milk crate seem out of whack for the scope of the crime and creates dangerous situations for people who may not even be aware that possessing a milk crate is even illegal. Australia. Of course it's legal. Sydney stabbing suspect tackled by 'highest order of heroes' using chairs and milk crate. Of course. And apparently milk crate theft in Australia is a serious problem (*cough*). He was eventually restrained by men using a milk crate and chairs. While apple boxes and wine cases should not be overlooked, there […] Before it hit the headlines this year, there was barely a bedroom or a cafe in this nation that had not put the crate to good use. The brave bystanders who helped apprehend a man on an alleged stabbing rampage have been hailed as “heroes of the highest order”. Vented Milk Crates for a Variety of Purposes. Is it illegal to own a shopping cart? Milk Crate Air-Pot Urban Container Gardening--I have a bunch of milk crates. Finally, a Milk Crate that isn't illegal to own! He informed me that it is clearly marked on the side that it is illegal to take them and use them and I am curious as to why. I would argue such a law does _not_ mean it's illegal to sit on a milk crate, or stand on it, or put other stuff in it besides milk bottles. . Seriously. I, like many others, have a healthy collection of milk crates. they passed a specific law against "misuse of milk crates." This anatomically correct Milk Crate was made for an air-powered utility motorbike/scooter I designed for a University project I have printed this scaled to 80mm³ but the bigger the better given the thin wall thickness The STL file is full size (around 320mm³) An average bunk matress is 39" x 72', Milk crates are about 12" x 12". Posted by. Man ticketed for illegal use of a milk crate. Since then, I've also grabbed three Dairy Farmers crates from really random places: floating in the harbour, …