Broken up concrete is a great material for creating garden paths. Some people advocate for narrow paths, barely wide enough for you to shuffle sideways through the garden so you have more planting space. It’s used a lot in traditional European gardens, and the rustic vibe is irresistible. It is a mistake to think of a path as a gap between the things that it leads to, a kind of horticultural no-man's-land. When choosing garden paths or walkways, there are a few key things to keep in mind. If you enjoyed this article, you may enjoy: Collection of Raised Bed Vegetable Garden Links ( Source: PendletonDM) 25. One of my favorite garden path designs is old cobble stones. And … No dirty shoes, can get in the garden even after a rain, can get on my knees without the pain of dirt clods and rocks imprinting my skin. Using Wood Chip Mulch for the Garden. Ideally, a backyard vegetable garden should contribute to your family’s well being without taking too much of your scarce free time. These vegetable garden ideas come from home garden tours. ... By using less space for paths… These days I think of my vegetable garden pathways as a little system of trails that need and deserve regular upkeep, and I’ve given up on the dream of leaving clovers in charge. But when it comes to the vegetable garden, mulching gets a bit more complicated. Neat as a pin or overgrown with plants, backyard garden paths lead our eye through a garden, and add charm and focus as well. Pave a Path: Sawdust is the ideal material for creating an inexpensive garden path. Creating a grass pathway is not as labor intensive (or as expensive) as some of the other options on the list. I simply LOVE having permanent pathways in the garden of nice, soft moisture saving green. Hendy Curzon 17 & 18. I always think grass pathways look so inviting. Every garden needs a path. Instead I use the off season to do the necessary maintenance, and by spring the garden paths are spruced up and ready for the new season ahead. Gardening is easy and anyone can do it! Consider the pathways carefully before building your garden. A garden path enhances any backyard. "Is it Okay to Put Bark on Vegetable Garden Soil… I've more piles of compost further down the garden where the pigs and chicken sheds are. Harpur Garden Images Ltd :: Vegetable potager kitchen garden raised bed border food eat culinary cook cloche walled garden Hatfield House, Hertfordshire Jerry Harpur potager kitchen garden Hatfield House, Hertfordshire this will be my front yard one day Beautiful working garden ~ Hatfield House, Hertfordshire, England - know it well. First let me say while I am a firm believer in the benefits of mulch in a vegetable garden, I don’t think that any one method is the end all, or right for everyone. I checked out this question about what kind of mulch to use around plants. If this is a brand new project, consider what features of your garden you’d like to connect and highlight. This can be achieved with a little planning to get started out right, and a commitment to low-maintenance organic methods, which save time and ensure a healthy garden … Learn about design factors, limitations and installation techniques for gravel, stone, brick and pavers, along with attractive edging options. Mulches perform many duties in the garden by suppressing weeds, controlling water runoff, helping to control some garden pests, and also by creating a more attractive garden space.