which phpunit /usr/local/bin/phpunit. When I try to update, nothing happens: composer require --dev phpunit/phpunit ^7 Requirements. When I try to install it again using: pear update channels pear install --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit I get: phpunit/PHPUnit is already installed and is the same as the released version 3.4.15 install failed ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests PHPUnit 7.0.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Previously running PHPUnit 4 or higher. Test class within the tests folder. This release adds new features, changes and removes existing features, and fixes bugs. This is because the current locked version of PHPUnit 4.8 is not compatible with PHP 7.2. Converting references to the PHPUnit_Framework PSR-0 namespace to their respective PSR-4 references. A detailed list of changes is available here. The PHPUnit 6 Shift reviews your tests for any backward incompatible changes and automate the upgrade process to PHPUnit 6.. The way this works is by triggering a post install command that can run a composer upgrade command. ; Automated Changes. I ran the wordpress-tests a few weeks ago standalone (i.e. I guess that PFTT only was run with some old version of these tests (most likely even before they have been merged into wordpress-develop).Also, the hard-coded paths in PHPUnitTemplate.groovy look fishy; there's certainly no need to include symfony for running WP tests. 3 / 3 (100%) Time: 70 ms, Memory: 10.00MB OK (3 tests, 3 assertions) The above assumes that vendor/autoload.php , the autoloader script managed by Composer, exists and is able to load the code for the Email class. Running PHP 7.0 or higher. I followed the various instructions here and ended up with PHPUnit 3.4.1. Problem/Motivation In [#2927806] we introduced a method to install PHPUnit 6 if you run composer install when you have PHP7.2 and dev dependencies installed. PHP Archive (PHAR) We distribute a PHP Archive (PHAR) that contains everything you need in order to use PHPUnit 6, the latest version of PHPUnit that is compatible with PHP 7.0. Then make the necessary updates. This means we can update PHPUnit to either 6.x (current) or 7.x (aiming for Feb 2018). PHPUnit 7 February 2, 2018. I think I need to update phpUnit to v7, since I'm using php7.1.2. With SilverStripe 5 will bring newer PHP version requirements, which means dropping at least PHP 5.6 (possibly PHP 7.0 too). I want to install PHPUnit 3.7 on my windows server. It would be good to upgrade phpunit to 6.0 or 7.0 (preferred) Currently we depend on the antimattr/test-case but we could probably bring that code into our tests and drop that dependency. without PFTT), and besides some test failures, that worked fine. Simply download it from here and make it executable: