The Birth of Venus is perhaps the most famous painting by Botticelli.It is a symbol of Florence, along with Michelangelo’s David, the Palazzo Vecchio, and a few other places and works of art.. Analysis of The Birth of Venus In the centre the newly-born goddess Venus stands nude in a giant scallop shell. The Birth of Venus was originally created as a decoration for a large room in a villa. The proportions show their greatest exaggeration, yet the long neck and torrent of hair help to create the mystifying figure. The painting depicts the moment the goddess Venus first emerges from the … Dominant lines are curvy and some parts of lines are straight. Simonetta Cattaneo de Vespucci, the muse behind The Birth of Venus and La Primavera, and who Botticelli used as basis for his subject matter, was said to be the most beautiful woman in Florence as well as the entire Renaissance. View Outline. Galleria degli Uffizi… Before examining these characteristics, however, it is important to understand the context of the prominent painting. The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli, 1486. The Birth of Venus painted by Sandro Botticelli from 1484-1486, depicts the birth of Venus into the world. 1977. The Birth of Venus is perhaps the most famous painting by Botticelli.It is a symbol of Florence, along with Michelangelo’s David, the Palazzo Vecchio, and a few other places and works of art.. 2. Sandro Botticelli. Its size is purely imaginary, and is also found in classical depictions of the subject.At the left the wind god Zephyr blows at her, with the wind shown by lines radiating from his mouth. The major patterns are flower, and… Mood, tone and emotion: Birth of Venus is dependent on the delicacy of Botticelli's line. The painting follows along with the myth of her birth, which says that, “when Cronus was castrated by Uranus, his part was thrown into the sea. One that never ceases to capture our imaginations. Artisitc Techniques in the Birth of Venus Essay example 814 Words | 4 Pages. 1. It is not listed as part of the collection of works owned by the Medici in 1499, but by 1540 they had acquired it and placed it with the villa at Castello alongside other great works by Sandro. Boticelli’s true Venus was not a painting. Also, dominant shapes are curvy and naturalistic shapes. The description of Venus, being pushed towards the shore with the help of windblown by zephyrus and one of the Horae waiting at the shore, is exact in the painting. She is joined by Zephyrus, the wind God, his wife, Chloris, goddess of flowers, and the the nymph, Pomona, ready to receive Venus with a robe. She is joined by Zephyrus, the wind God, his wife, Chloris, goddess of flowers, and the the nymph, Pomona, ready to receive Venus with a robe. x 9 ft. 1 7/8 in. Botticelli The Birth of Venus is one of the most famous paintings of all time. Like the Primavera, the Birth of Venus is also associated with the concept of Humanitas,or virtuous Humanity, a theory developed by Marsilio Ficino in a letter to the young Lorenzo. Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence. The Birth of Venus (Nascita di Venere) is a painting done by Florentine artist Sandro Botticelli in 1486. The Birth of Venus or Nascita di Venere is a painting by Sandro Botticelli. Dominant lines are curvy and some parts of lines are straight. In… Tempera on canvas, 5 ft. 8 (7/8) in. 1. Analysis and Interpretation of Birth of Venus by Botticelli. The painting is held in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. Published on Nov 22, 2015. The painting is currently in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.