Credit: University of Delaware Carvel REC/CC-BY-2.0 Because of the rocky, mountainous terrain and poor soil of colonial Massachusetts, corn was the only major crop grown in the area, but beans, pumpkins, rye and squash were also grown in limited quantities. Sign up. Examples of cash crops were tobacco, sugar, rice, cotton, etc. Quizlet Learn. Diagrams. it's not tobacco, the main export in the new England colonies (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut and Rhode Island) was ships, because of their many points. Start studying Econ 1740 CH 3. In the New England colonies, it was a lot harder to grow crops for a lot of reasons. Their main cash crops were wheat and barley In Virginia and the other Southern colonies and in the Middle colonies farming could be carried on as it was in England. Quizlet Learn. Help. Help Center. Some examples of them would be oats, wheat, barley, etc. There was always work that had to be done and finished. Help Center. The middle colonies produced the 'Staple Crops' or the food for all the other colonies. Which region relied on fishing and shipbuilding? Sugar. In fact, Delaware was part of the group known as the "Bread Basket" of the first 13 colonies because of the amount of wheat and rice that it produced. New England Colonies: Growing seasons were short so they depended more on British Imports, Corn crops, Wild Game, and Seafood. Another reason that it was a lot harder to grow crops in the New England colony is that the weather was much colder. All Corn formed a majority of the colonial diet. European wheat, barley, oats and peas were also grown. 12sjoo. The New England colonies also had cash crops. Cash crops are crops produced for its commercial value rather than for use by the grower. This means they grew enough to sell and make a profit. Wheat was a crop that could be grown back in England, so most of what the colonists grew they kept for their own sustenance. Mobile. Question: What types of crops were grown in the Middle Colonies? The ground was more rocky, and harder to plant and grow in, especially near the ocean. What was the main crop grown in colonial New England? Type your answer here...The cash crops of the colony Georgia are Tobacco (Southern tobacco was exported all over the world especially to England.) Whether you were farming in New England in the 1500s, the middle colonies in the 1600s, or Southern colonies in the 1700s, there was a difference in what crops were grown. The Southern Colonies of Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia grew their own food along with growing three major cash crops: tobacco, rice, and indigo. Corn and hemp farms also played a vital role in New Jersey's economy. ... How did whaling play a major role in New England's economy? Colonial New Jersey was called a breadbasket colony because grains fared better in the mild climate as opposed to the cold climate of New England. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. These were grown on plantations typically worked by slaves and indentured servants. It also encompassed cooking, cleaning and mending tools and fences. Help. ... Quizlet Live. ... why New England farmers unable to grow cash crops. The southern colonies provided 'cash crops' to earn money. Sign up. Meet Me in the Middle. what was the main cash crop in South Carolina and Georgia. Colonization of North America review 36 Terms. They were grown in the Southern Colonies and partly in the New England Colonies. Michigan Academic Education Standards. Since the soil in New England was poor and the growing season was too short to grow many crops, besides corn, beans and squash, the New England colonies had to rely on other ways to make money, primarily through fishing, whaling, shipbuilding and rum making. Corn. It is important to remember that farming was not just about growing crops in the fields.