Most of the cold-hardy and winter enduring plants are shrubs and trees. Read on to learn more fall and winter gardening ideas from HouseLogic. Winter is the time many plants die out or hibernate until spring arrives. Check out these flowers, from snowdrops to pansies, that bloom in the winter and, in fact, grow best when it's cold outside—plus, where to buy them. Give the mice time to find other winter homes. The first step is to decide if you are willing to use cold frames to protect outdoor plants, such as winter vegetables, or if you want something that looks good, but does not require any additional work. These cheery winter blooming flowers can freeze solid and emerge from that state ready to grow and flower. Hardy succulents are those which originate in northern climates and do best with some cold winter weather for a dormant period. Growing outdoor plants for winter interest takes some planning. Keep watering house and conservatory plants, but reduce the amount of water as growth slows down in winter. Test Garden Tip: If you live in a cold climate, most perennials won’t survive the winter if they are left in containers. In cold-winter areas, plant in earliest spring (choose early bloomers). Fill your winter garden with scent, colour and silhouette! Let's take a look at 10 plants, trees and shrubs that can transform a barren, chilly landscape into a winter wonderland. This will give them time to become established and survive the heat in the summer. Other bedding plant flowers that grow in winter include nemesia, snapdragon, sweet alyssum and flowering stock. Oct 14, 2015 . However, the reality is that things tend to get a bit lifeless and gloomy – inside and outside your home. Let these Drought Tolerant Plants win your heart. Best Herbs for Cold Climates Winter-flowering heather is a brilliant plant for low-growing texture. Holly | Few plants symbolize winter or Christmas specifically like the holly. “The jade plant, which is a type of succulent, will be fine near an open window in the winter,” she says. It also doesn’t require much water, and can thrive with a watering once every three weeks. Who says that a winter garden can't impress? This bulbous plant repels insects and deters pesky herbivores from getting into your winter vegetables. It also looks fantastic in pots and comes with pink, white and purple flowers. Garden plants, although stored in a cool, frost-free place are either stored dry or slightly moist to stop the roots from drying out. It’s more of having an idea of what to grow in winter so you can consider some plant additions to your garden soon. Don’t let the garden go bare and dormant over the cold months.With these winter-flowering plants you will be sure to brighten up your pots and flower borders in no time. A number of different plants can survive the more harsh winters in North America. Liven Up Your Winter Porch with 8 Cold-Loving Plants A spot of color and life on your front porch can ease the winter doldrums. Winter gardening doesn’t mean literally planting things in the snow.