Do you think the word "understandment" would be the ideal word to use in any context?
For example, the following quote is two sentences, where the second explains the first: “I gave him my number: I wanted to see him again.”
You can’t have a […] 2. Or do you think it might sound funny if you're trying to make a silly pun or joke to a specific listener or a specific group of listeners? I will get back to you with the revisions you requested by Monday." Which preposition is right? Our amazing Rewordifying Engine is what makes it all possible, and no other web site has it. Clearly there is a need for a better understanding between the police and the community. Looking for sentences with "mutual understanding"? There is a mutual understanding of army language, clothing, signs and symbols that the civilian population at large would be unaccustomed to. I will make sure to include or discuss your idea that .... in my … If I knew she is coming, I would go to welcome her at the airport. Search in my understanding and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. This is especially useful in a professional/workplace environment. You need to demonstrate to the examiners that you have more than a literal understanding … Well, all sentences contain verbs that express action or state of being. High quality example sentences with “enhance my understanding” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. Here are some examples. But you can also use a colon to introduce a quotation or to join a sentence with one that explains it. One of the keys to good writing is understanding the countless ways in which basic sentence structures can be combined and arranged. By the way, "preposition" is so tough that I always use it in improper way. It certainly helped to deepen my understanding of the situation. Examples of depth of understanding in a sentence, how to use it. Please Correct Me If I Am Wrong? or "I see. His answer demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of the question. But we had a clear understanding between ourselves that there was a distinction between the political contest and the personal friendship. One of the keys to good writing is understanding the countless ways in which basic sentence structures can be combined and arranged. High quality example sentences with “help my understanding” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. 20 examples: This is the assumption many composers have made historically, although… Cambridge Dictionary +Plus My profile Home. You'll love's clear, easy-to-understand definitions—they change to match the original word or phrase's part of speech, verb tense, and singular/plural form, so they make sense. 20 examples: This is the assumption many composers have made historically, although… How to use better understanding in a sentence Looking for sentences with "better understanding"? e.g., "I understand. Both emotionally stable and unstable students can benefit from a better understanding of psychology. Here are some examples. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 2 months ago. Forums Grammar & Sentence Structure 2 10,512 + 1. The most common way to use a colon in a sentence is to introduce a list with it. Here are some examples. Their bond is deep, and they have found mutual understanding amid a morass of confusion. Menu. A scientific study by a blue-ribbon panel of experts found that 90 percent of all the errors in a sentence occurred because the verb was misidentified. Understanding definition, mental process of a person who comprehends; comprehension; personal interpretation: My understanding of the word does not agree with yours. Some understanding of grammar is fundamental to learning a language. Sentence Examples. Examples of depth of understanding in a sentence, how to use it. How to use clear understanding in a sentence Looking for sentences with "clear understanding"? 1. English grammar teachers like to torture students by asking them to find the subjects of sentences. If you use the phrase "My understanding was...", people will merely think you misunderstood something, and will be far kinder to you (and in instances where what you misunderstood was something they said, they will often apologize, or fault themselves for not being more explicit).