When brand does matter. Yet, in a healthier economy, the rising popularity of higher-priced artisanal ice creams and premium brands has resulted in the value of U.S. sales increasing by 2% over the past year. Who makes the best ice cream in the nation? Sadly, Graeter’s was not among the 20 or so brands the magazine taste tested…so you’ll just have to take my word on how good it tastes! To find the best of the best, we went to our local grocer and scooped up 10 of the most popular ice cream brands. Super-Premium Ice Cream. “Premium” ice cream must contain 12-14 percent milk-fat; “super-premium” must contain 14-16 percent milk-fat. Read the Best Super Premium Ice Cream brand??? On this page: Which premium ice cream is best? Ice Cream Market. In the past we've tried everything from diet ice cream to vanilla milkshakes to fast food ice cream. But which brand is best? Ultra-premium ice cream is also exceedingly expensive, with pints generally running between $8 and $12. Nestle is the closest corporate rival of Unilever, occupying four brands in … Super Premium Ice Cream. discussion from the Chowhound Restaurants, Manhattan food community. That means there were no swirls, cookie chunks, fluffy mallows or extra mix-ins. The rise in income, along with an increase in demand for sweet dishes, drives the growth of this market. It sits with you through movie nights and attends all of your (best) birthday parties. Aside from it's rich, creamy, Velvet texture and scrumptious flavours, being lactose intolerant, I can actually sit and enjoy a fresh bowl of ice cream with friends without worrying about discomfort to follow! discussion from the Chowhound Restaurants, Manhattan food community. It offered a broad range of 31 flavors to the ice cream lovers and known for introducing new flavor every month which is an amazing thing of this brand. The list includes premium as well as standard ice cream brands which have the maximum penetration or have maximum brand equity. Join the discussion today. If you have a 14% butterfat ice cream with 50% overrun, you could probably call yourself superpremium and people would accept it. A wild, exciting mix of flavors - Serendipity's new line of pints features ingredients inspired by the restaurant's signature dishes. This air, called overrun, can increase the volume of the ice cream by as little as 20 percent (this is typical of premium brands) or as much as 100 percent (typical of mass-market brands). I have just discovered the meaning of "super premium" ice cream and would like to try it. The standard of 50% overrun means that the ice cream is made with one part air to every two parts cream. 5. Who makes the best ice cream in the nation? We review 11 premium vanilla ice creams, from brands including Connoisseur, Haagen-Dazs and Sara Lee, to see which scoops the prize for best tasting. Ice cream overrun refers to the amount of air pushed into the ice cream while it is being made. These super premium treats also tend to contain higher quality ingredients, a higher butterfat percentage (between 13% and 17%, which produces a creamier texture), and are manufactured in smaller batches. Join the discussion today. Taste of Home wanted to help. To be considered super-premium, ice cream needs an 'overrun' of less than 50%. 2 Häagen-Dazs. This is the Best ice cream, vanilla with the chocolate covered almonds is my favorite, Haagen-Dazs is very smooth eating! Here’s our lineup: A new line of super premium ice cream inspired by the exciting, iconic brand known for its indulgent ice cream & desserts. Ice cream is like a good friend. Consumer Reports also ranked the best ice creams in a recent issue. It's in those shops where carefully crafted ice cream creations – creations almost too beautiful to eat – are featured every day. First, although there are many regional ice cream companies, the industry has only two firms that compete nationally: Breyers and Dreyers.