How to Make Money Gardening. Whether it’s a balcony garden or rooftop garden, urban garden layouts can actually be quite versatile so you don’t have to live out in the country to enjoy growing your favorite plants and veggies. Each year, Nature's Path Food's Gardens for Good program supports community gardens that make fresh, organic food more accessible in local neighborhoods. One of the best ways to add an urban garden is with a raised bed. It Takes a Village: In addition to establishing your own garden, another way to plant is by getting involved with community gardens. There are many ways to grow an urban garden. If you want to make a vegetable garden on the balcony, read this post. Make use of local resources available to you and what you have already to get your garden started. Urban Gardening nennt sich das Konzept, bei dem nicht die fette Ernte im Fokus steht, vielmehr geht es um eine Bereicherung und Verschönerung des Stadtlebens. Remember generally fruiting plants will require more sunlight than green leafy crops or root vegetables. Auf Dachterrassen, Innenhöfen und Balkonen betreiben immer Menschen auch in den Städten ökologische Landwirtschaft und bauen ihre eigenen Kräuter, Obst und Gemüse an. Urban gardening is a great way to grow your own food, even if your plot is limited to a small city lot. 2.6K likes. Urban gardening is about growing — growing flowers, growing vegetables and fruits, and growing a community of people who can share their love of gardening while taking good care of the earth. When placing your vertical planters make sure you take note of how much sunlight each growing area will receive so that you can determine which plants to put where. Learn how to grow urban vegetable gardens and care for your plants in the city, even in an apartment. Was ist Urban Gardening? I try to stick with those that are more than 8 inches in diameter, so they don’t move around and will last a bit longer. The Seed to Cash system is a simple way to make use of the land that you have, whether urban, suburban, or rural, to plant a garden which grows healthy food and provide others with the opportunity to eat healthier while you make a little bit of cash. The site will also need a water source, easy access, and, possibly, parking.