The indentation allows gardeners easy access to the garden in order to add uncooked vegetable scraps, grey-water, and manure into a … The garden uses a number of layers to retain moisture and nourish the soil, making it more productive than a conventional garden. A keyhole gardening bed is raised to either hip or waist level, with a semi-circle center, allowing you to easily reach all areas of the raised bed. A keyhole garden gives you the best of both worlds - a raised bed that fertilizes itself and a way to make use of your compost materials. Most keyholes have circular or horseshoe-like shapes. Here we show you how easy it is to build a keyhole bed. Here we show you how easy it is to build a keyhole bed. If you would like detailed information to construct a Keyhole Garden, please follow the links provided at the end of this article, otherwise, refer to the Cross-section View A-A at left (click for a larger image).. Place your posts in a square-shape arrangement in the center of the plot. A keyhole gardening bed is raised to either hip or waist level, with a semi-circle center, allowing you to easily reach all areas of the raised bed. DIY-Keyhole-Gardens 1 of 8. A keyhole garden bed changes the configuration and layout of the traditional garden rows in growing your vegetables. The composting basket In its simplest form, a keyhole garden is essentially a raised-bed planter with several important modifications. A keyhole garden is a raised, circular garden bed with a keyhole-shaped indentation on one side. Use a rubber mallet to pound the stakes into the earth. I couldn’t find photos of my keyhole garden in Texas, but I can tell you how mine worked. Using a Keyhole Garden long term I am looking for testimonials or advice on long term use of a Keyhole garden. The column is also where you should water your garden. Keyhole gardens are small for a reason. ... To keep the level where you’d like it, simply add in some more soil. And that is the need of people to grow food even when the resources to do so are scarce. A keyhole garden introduces a no-dig, permaculture design in the form of a raised bed with a continual feed at the top for manure, vegetable scraps, paper … Clean water is used on the topsoil. Kitchen and garden waste, along with household gray water, are added to the center basket. All You Need to Know About Keyhole Gardening Even with less-than-optimal soil, you can grow a bumper crop of healthy fruits and vegetables with this unique garden design. Yes, you can build a keyhole garden on a rooftop. No hunching, no kneeling, no kneeboards – just you, standing comfortably to plant, water, weed, and harvest. The History Of Keyhole Gardening. Clear the area of plants, rocks, and roots. No hunching, no kneeling, no kneeboards – just you, standing comfortably to plant, water, weed, and harvest.