The Sin and Suicide of 'Voice of the Martyrs' Ex. Join a global prayer movement for persecuted Christians. Here's hour the bulletin begins: We complete their precise requirements for membership, including defining a credible Board of Directors, establishing an Audit Review Committee, having audited financial statements, truthfulness in communications, as well as other requirements. But I have a lot of free time, and want to put some of it towards this cause. The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is an international nonprofit organization whose mission is to defend the human rights of persecuted Christians. The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is an international nonprofit organization whose mission is to defend the human rights of persecuted Christians. Voice of the Martyrs USA wastes money. Director Tom White: An Open Letter to the Young Girl He Abused (link) A week later Wade wrote a follow-up post — Tom White, Abuse, VOM, and the Power of the Internet . Despite continuing challenges, Christians are shining a light in the darkness of Syria. Join in the vital and important ministry of intercession and solidarity with those who suffer for their faith in Christ. The Oklahoma state chief medical examiner's office has confirmed that Voice of the Martyrs executive Walter Thomas "Tom" White killed himself with a toxic mix of drugs in April, after learning that he had been accused of sexually molesting a young girl. Join in the vital and important ministry of intercession and solidarity with those who suffer for their faith in Christ. Voice of the Martyrs USA is the largest, collecting over $50 million annually. In 2020, pledge to pray weekly for Christians who share your faith but not your freedom. I've thought about doing the old fashioned door to door style method. Open Doors USA described Rev Allen Yuan as "a towering figure in China's house-church movement," in its press release dated August 19. Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) and Open Doors, international agencies working for persecuted Christians, give tribute to the great contribution of the evangelist's life to the development of Christianity in China. ECFA & Financial Accountability ECFA. Christians here face the real possibility that they will be martyred for their faith if they stay. Weaknesses. Federal Tax ID# 23-7275342. Figures for the persecution of Christians have shown a 'shocking increase', according to persecution watchdog Open Doors. In addition, police reportedly have stopped investigating the case that shocked many in White's community and those who support the Christian persecution … Voice of the Martyrs supports and equips some of the most persecuted Christians in the world, including in North Korea and the closed countries of the Muslim Middle East. Whenever my wife and I have $100 to put toward Christian ministry, at the top of the list of recipients are Voice of the Martyrs and Open Doors, the two organizations doing in-the-trenches work against the persecution of Christians and seekers around the world. In order to verify the authenticity of the letter we received, we contacted VOM first. The Voice of the Martyrs is an American nondenominational ministry serving persecuted Christians in restricted and hostile countries around the world through fellowship, prayer, bibles and resources. It would appear that Voice of the Martyrs has loosed their damage control team on the internet as obviously efforts appear to be coordinated across the web. The Voice of the Martyrs Be-A-Voice-Network has just updated our network with the latest prayer bulletin, which focuses on believers in Malaysia. The US office was founded in 1967 by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who himself spent fourteen years in Communist prison in Romania for his faith in Christ. The charity has released its World Watch List 2019 today and says Asia is showing a particularly sharp rise. Watch Tortured for Christ — The Movie Online for FREE. Source: Mission Network News, Open Doors. Join Christians around the world on Sunday, Nov. 3, for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church — a global prayer meeting for our Christian brothers and sisters who boldly witness for Christ at any cost. Open Doors USA is a 501(c)(3) organization and charter member of ECFA, the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability. Yesterday I received two comments on my article titled "Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) Funded Abuse of Nigerian Orphans" from a woman named Christine. As you’ll see below, many of 2017’s most-read stories come from the Middle East. VOM has been a member of the ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability) since 1993. The controversy is revealed by Warren Throckmorton …