Consuming a lot of carrot juice can affect the color of the skin. An overdose can lead to health problems as well as a deficiency. Eating too many carrots or drinking an excess of carrot juice can change the flavor of breast milk. Similar Articles. Can excessive consumption of carrot juice actually kill you? Too much carotene can cause yellowing of the skin and sweat that turns an orange-colored hue. Carrot juice is extremely high in vitamin A and contains large amounts of other nutrients, like vitamin K and potassium. Although you can potentially overdose on some vitamins and minerals, these nutrients are harmless even at very high doses. Peter from Cardiff Wales sent in the following question. 7 Carrot Juice Benefits: Why You Need To Drink Up This Veggie As much as we love to eat carrots (think gajar ka halwa), it is said that the best way of having this veggie is in its raw form. The Miracle of Carrot Juice. A salad just isn’t complete without carrots. TIL 1974: Basil Brown, from Croydon, England died after drinking 10 gallons of carrot juice in ten days, causing him to overdose on vitamin A and suffer severe liver damage. He asked did Basil Brown really die from too much carrot juice? Carrot juice is known for beta carotene which gives the body Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Vitamin E and many minerals.The health benefits of drinking carrot juice are thought to be good prenatal health, eyesight, bones and teeth, liver and nails, skin and hair as well as helping in cancer prevention. Carrots are full of vitamins, minerals and fibers that are good for your health. This is caused by too much beta-carotene in your bloodstream, which makes your skin turn orange ().Carotenemia is highly unlikely unless you are on a restricted diet in which you are required to eat too many carrots for a long time. 11 Reasons Juicing Can Be Bad for Your Health. I often blend loads of carrots and mix it with pepper when making a sauce, this story is now making me think twice if indeed it is true.. These powerful root vegetables that are high in beta-carotene are as versatile as they are good for you. I often blend loads of carrots and mix it with pepper when making a sauce, this story is now making me think twice if indeed it is true.. Can excessive consumption of carrot juice actually kill you? 10 Benefits of Carrot Juice Juicing is a great way to get all the benefits of eating carrots in a more convenient way. Drink carrot juice for half an hour before meals and, even better, in the morning on an empty stomach. One of the vegetables that is most concentrated when juiced is the carrot. There’s a lot of controversy about how much carrot juice you can drink a day. But eating too many carrots can bring in too much beta-carotene the molecule responsible for carrots… The takeaway The benefits of carrots can’t be overstated. 5. A myth circulating around the internet does indicate that a United Kingdom based health expert named Basil Brown did indeed die from a carrot juice induced vitamin A overdose. Eating too many carrots can cause a harmless condition called carotenemia. But, how much carrot juice can you drink? While drinking carrot juice in moderation has significant health benefits, drinking too much can have side effects. Eating too many carrots or drinking an excess of carrot juice can change the flavor of breast milk. If you eat or drink too many carrots or carrot juice, your skin may temporarily develop a slight yellowish or orange tint. However, this doesn't mean that you can drink as much carrot juice as you'd like. Although the health benefits of carrots (and by extension, carrot juice) from its vitamin and mineral content is important, it can cause some side effects, such as yellowing skin, if you drink too much. Gabriel Joshua asked the Naked Scientists: Dear Naked Scientists, I came across this story of Basil Brown, a health fanatic, who drank a gallon of carrot juice everyday and died 10 days later. Thanks. Many people consider drinking carrot juice one of the healthiest lifestyle choices possible.