Sometimes we get so busy and used to staring at our blank kitchen walls that we completely forget to decorate them. Carpentry or drywall experience is helpful but not an absolute requirement. It’s usually easier to tap them into the wall slightly rather than pull them out. Inspired by the beautiful real-world homes that fill our Gallery, we pulled together our favorite ways to decorate a large wall—and the rooms that do it oh so well. Use the putty knife to remove patching compound from container and liberally apply compound around the edge of the wall patch. Dip 2 inches of the edge of the filling knife into the spackling paste and apply a thin layer on the wall in one horizontal stroke. Anything larger must be covered with a bridging material for strength before patching compound can be applied. On open walls, a fabric sheath is attached to studs, providing a type of cage that contains blown-in fiberglass (not cellulose) pellets. Contact a professional for help. Start around the edges and work your way out before getting to the middle of the wall patch. Plastering is one of the final steps in finishing an interior or exterior wall. This requires reattaching the two together and cannot be fixed by a simple patch job. Unlike loose-fill insulation, these pellets form a tight, dense, seamless blanket that is highly effective at stopping air infiltration. Re: Solid fill color on wall I trying to make the surface of my walls to be any color other than transparent on the surface. Press gently on the wall near the crack to see if it gives. PRO TIP: The coats shrink as they dry. Removing an air conditioner from the wall leaves a large hole that needs covering immediately. While a hole through the wall of your home appears daunting, it is only moderately difficult to cover up. It would be noncorrosive and contribute no toxic chemicals or particulates to the building's interior. You feel pressure to fill it, but nothing seems quite as brilliant as the pièce de résistance in your head. I remember quickly filling in holes at 3 in the morning with my roommates the night we moved out of an apartment and I can imagine how relieved I would have been if I had known this hack back in those days. Especially in a living room entryway, this large wall decor is a great idea to fill up some space. The wall does not show as "Yellow". The first coat will shrink a bit, leaving a slightly smaller dent to be filled by the second coat. Tiny nail and screw holes are easiest: Use a putty knife to fill them with spackling or wall joint compound. Nail the back part of the Velcro to the wall to make it extra secure.