Maybe you’ve heard some chatter and wondered, “Why are tomatoes bad for you?” Many people are wary of tomatoes, partially because they are part of a poisonous plant family. If You Have Inflammatory Bowel Disease People who have inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis find that alkaloids can irritate the gut lining, causing further symptoms—some of which can be severe. It went on to blame their danger on lectins (found in their seeds and skin). Tomato juice is great for skin. In addition, since the tomato skin is very thin, it does not affect the release of lycopene … When I roast red peppers I do the same thing, remove the skin and seeds. And two of the major nutrients in tomatoes, lycopene and beta-carotene, have notable antioxidant activity. Tomato sugar scrub can be used to exfoliate, cleanse, detan and nourish the skin naturally Use it in your daily skin care to treat your skin and use in your cooking to give maximum health care benefits as you may well know that tomatoes are great for lowering blood pressure, preventing clots and lowering cholesterol. But can tomatoes be bad for you in any way? But really, tomato skins often survive the composting process and are still there, in the compost pile, in spring. Intriguingly tomatoes are also one of a few fresh foods that are just as good for you, if not better, when they are processed. If you have no health problems, they shouldn’t cause difficulty, but tomatoes can be bad for you if you have the following conditions. When you consume too many tomatoes, large amounts of lycopene enter the body which may result in skin discoloration. Short of learning how to remove lectins from tomatoes, the author claimed if you were to ever consider eating a tomato, it should be a Roma tomato with no skin or seeds. If they actually had a harmful amount, millions of humans throughout history would have been killed. The tomato juice helps keep the skin healthy. Tomatoes are eaten throughout the world. A tomato juice mask can be used on a persons face overnight. If you don't want the skin this can easily be removed by blanching the whole tomato and removing the skin first. Learn more about Tomato uses, effectiveness, possible side effects, interactions, dosage, user ratings and products that contain Tomato Skip to main content Check Your Symptoms The fruit is not harmful, but tomato leaves create symptoms similar to an allergic reaction and even cause death in … The generous amount of vitamin C in tomatoes slows down aging, and keeps skin looking young and wrinkle-free, as well as offering nutrients that protect and help rebuild strong bones. Tomato is the main ingredient in most of the food we prepare at home. Tomatoes belong to the family Solanaceae, and their pesticide residues are the least among all kinds of vegetables, so there is no need to worry too much about pesticide residues. All sounds great, right? Pamela, you are correct. It improves heart health and protects against cardiovascular cancer, as per Healthline. The skin is quite often one of the most nutritious part of the fruit or veggie. Very likely the dose in tomatoes is very tiny, compared to the amount that would be harmful to you. Tomato and peppers are in the nightshade family. It is very important for kidney patient to know what is healthy for them to consume. Lycopene is a carotenoid pigment that is found in tomatoes, berries and other fruits. I don't like the mouthfeel of tomato skins. It seems like tomatoes would be great for your skin – many fruits and vegetable extracts, like pomegranate, have mild photoprotective effects, whether applied to the skin or ingested. The skin and seeds of tomatoes are high in lectins and these are implicated in leaky gut syndrome which can lead to food sensitivities, irritable bowel and coeliac disease over time. Hey guys, I was wondering why everybody recommends removing skins from tomatoes. People also add it to their plate of salad.