Iceberg lettuce is a variety of crisphead lettuce which is widely consumed across the world. Be sure to remove all dirt, bugs and other debris from the lettuce leaves before putting them in the bowl. Iceberg lettuce is a variety of crisphead lettuce which is widely consumed across the world. First off, iceberg lettuce is composed of 96% water—similar to celery and cucumbers. It is grown as a cool-weather vegetable, thriving when the temperature stays between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Stem lettuce was first developed in China, and remains primarily cultivated in that country. Interplant your lettuce with taller crops to provide shade as the weather warms. It's best planted in early spring, because once the heat hits its growth is stunted and the leaves turn bitter. Diets shouldn't be lettuce based. When cut, the stems of lettuce plants ooze a milky juice whose appearance, taste, and smell are said to be similar to opium. It is characterized by tightly furled, crunchy leaves and a mild, sometimes watery flavor. The term can be used to describe any kind of lettuce that forms what we call a “head.” If you’ve ever looked at iceberg lettuce in the vegetable section of your local supermarket, you can tell that it is head lettuce. Fill the bowl with fresh cold water and add ¼ cup of vinegar, begin to swish the lettuce in the vinegar and water solution. Bruce Church founder of Fresh Express, was responsible for popularizing the idea of shipping lettuce across the US continent from Salinas, California to the spots on the East coast. Here are our favorite iceberg lettuce recipes. Used by the ancient Egyptians, the stuff was listed in the … Gas Pains Iceberg lettuce can also cause stomach cramps by increasing the amount of gas in the intestines. But because Romaine lettuce is full of antioxidants and chlorophyll which clean your internal biochemical gears. Made up of water, iceberg lettuce is harmful only when consumed in excess. It may subsequently become frozen into pack ice (one form of sea ice ). This makes it great for getting in extra hydration during hot days. Iceberg. It is characterized by tightly furled, crunchy leaves and a mild, sometimes watery flavor. Of the two lettuces, Romaine is what I recommend. You can use these steps to crisp up all kinds of lettuce, including iceberg, romaine or Bibb. There are many uses for iceberg lettuce, including salads, some ethnic cuisine, and garnishes. As it contains beta-carotene, its excessive consumption results in carotenodermia.