Mammals. Facts. The valleys are usually … Most Great Basin precipitation is snow. Nevada’s Great Basin National Park is one of the more remote and lesser-known in America, perched in semi-arid, mountainous country far from large cities. Nature and Science. 9,000 B.C - 400 A.D. Implements found in this area from this "Great Basin Desert Archaic Period" include milling stones. I wasn’t sure what to expect before I got here, but I found the park to be fun with a cave, a unique tree, and the dark sky. Tips for Planning your camping trip. However, it isn't deserted. 10 Facts About the Great Basin Desert | … Great Basin National Park Facts Acreage. The park is named after the Great Basin, the region of mountains and desert located between the Wasatch Mountains and Sierra Nevada. Gross Area Acres for FY 2004 - 77,180 Gross Area Acres for FY 2003 - 77,180 Visitation. GREAT BASIN. The Great Basin runs from the highest land in the Sierras and Rockies in the west, down to lowland deserts in the east. Wheeler Peak Glacier, located in the park, is the most southern glacier in the Northern Hemisphere. Lodging. Sites have been found indicating Paleo-Indian habitation within the Great Basin.They were small hunting groups following the mammoth, bison, camel and horse herds. Great Basin National Park is a place of extremes. Much later, on October 27, 1986, the monument was greatly expanded to include the surrounding mountains and redesignated Great Basin National Park. The landscape includes hundreds of mountain ranges and a great diversity of ecosystems, all of which can be admired at Great Basin National Park. The Great Basin's longest and largest river is the Bear River of 350 mi (560 km), and the largest single watershed is the Humboldt River drainage of roughly 17,000 sq mi (44,000 km 2). Whether you are driving east to west along Highway 50, known as the Loneliest Road in America, or adding a nature excursion onto your Las Vegas revelry, let the open road lead you to the heart of the Great Basin. 12,000-9,000 B.C. Great Basin National Park. Great Basin National Park was named by John C. Fremont, who led the first party of white explorers into this territory in the mid-19th century. Animals. Maps . The park is located in east-central Nevada near the Utah border and preserves a small representative portion of the Great Basin, the region between the Sierra Nevada and the Wasatch Mountains. Currently Viewing Great Basin National Park Facts. Although maps make it look like a basin, the region actually consists of more than 100 valleys. Great Basin National Park. Great Basin National Park Facts Search Parks & Gear. Most Great Basin precipitation is snow. On January 24, 1922, the Lehman Caves area was first protected as Lehman Caves National Monument. The Great Basin's longest and largest river is the Bear River of 350 mi (560 km), and the largest single watershed is the Humboldt River drainage of roughly 17,000 sq mi (44,000 km 2). Total Recreation Visits for FY 2004- 79,944 Total Recreation Visits for FY 2003- 85,454 Budget.