I can't say that I'm a Feng Shui Guru, but ever since I read a few books about it, I cannot help but notice that I see similarities between what the books say, and what actually happens in real life, either to me or other people I know. 5 Comments Just as nobody puts Baby in a corner, nobody puts Feng Shui in a corner (lot home, that is). Feng shui landscaping Ideas for front yard are unlimited. It is an ancient Chinese science which creates balance and harmony to living & work spaces, so that your life force energy or Ch’i (pronounced chee) flows, increasing your prosperity, health and happiness. Applying feng shui to the process of buying a home is a wise investment on many levels—it will give you peace of mind as well as assure that your house is a good financial investment. In Feng Shui consultants‘ eyes, they see highways, roads, streets, lane ways as water. Or inside the house you can correct this with mirrors. Feng shui tips for your home. But it’s easy to get wrong. In Feng Shui consultants‘ eyes, they see highways, roads, streets, lane ways as water. Therefore, wealth corner is quite critical in Feng Shui theory. However it is not real water. Sometimes, negative Feng Shui Forms (形煞) can bring such strong negative Chi that can deem a house unsuitable for long-term stay. Let's discover the sectors one by one and how to activate and enhance them. ... the corner with plants and stepping stones, capped by a tall light in the corner thereby visually stretching the corner out. This section’s Feng Shui Tips are Roads lead to the house. With a proper Feng Shui, our house becomes “an island of light, harmony, and beauty” that charges us with positive and healing energy. 1. This section’s Feng Shui Tips are Roads lead to the house. You can have planting beds, driveway, walkway, water feature. Modern house layout, interior design color palette, texture combinations, the selection of materials, lighting, furniture and decor accessories, as well as backyard and front yard landscaping ideas are important elements of good Feng Shui house design. However it is not real water. However, not all T-junctions are the same, and not all of them bring nuisance and bad feng shui. In Feng Shui jargon roads, streets, lane ways are called virtual water. Simply crunch the numbers to get your street address down to one digit, and look up the Feng Shui according to your home number. Feng Shui Wealth Corner In all, there are eight types of aspirations – those things that make our life enjoyable. What is feng shui. ... and continues out to the street again. Take for example, someone who's reasonably intelligent, educated, ethical, and works hard….why doesn't his or her life go well? In feng shui, the eight corners of luck are related to the different directions and corners of your home. A typical feng shui cure to deal with the number 4 in a house address is to enclose the number in a red circle (be sure this looks visually appropriate in the context of your house and neighborhood). Literally, the word Feng Shui (pronounced Fung Shway) means Wind-Water. There are important feng shui aspects about living on a house with a slope or hill, such as if the slope goes away from the house at the rear, if the house is on the top of a hill, or if the house has the worst feng shui: a house below street grade.