When I use my regular hose and brush to vacume the pool I have no air bubbles in my filter basket. Left unaddressed it will cause other problems as well, and those problems could have minor or major impact. This is a common question that many swimming pool owners ask and the answer can be a quick fix or a major problem. Before every pool season, give your pool a thorough check-up with a qualified technician. The water is pulled from the skimmer on the side of the pool or a main drain in the bottom of the pool through the pump basket into the impeller. What Would Cause Air Bubbles in Pool Pump Suction Basket In this post, we’ll discuss what air bubbles in your pool mean, some of the reasons why they’re there and how to deal with the problem. In a standard swimming pool setup the pump pulls the water from the pool and pushes it through the filter and then it will return to the pool or other secondary pumps might push it to a pressure cleaner or through a solar system. The impeller is what actually moves the water. Excess air in your pool’s pump and filter is much more than just a nuisance. Air bubbles in pools can come from several sources. Air bubbles will commonly occur when you’re opening your pool after a long time. Pump sucking air or filter blowing bubbles? We have a Jandy pump system that is 2 years old. At 3:45 PM (Saturday May 3, 2008) I walked around to the pool and saw a Momma & Poppa Quail very upset with a bunch of teeny weeny little ones. 4. Pool Pumps - Sucking In Air. The basket does not come up high enough to break the seal, so I am at a loss as to what it could be. If your pump basket does not fill with water, you’ll have to prime the pump.The good new is it’s pretty straight forward, just follow the steps below: Disconnect any power to the pump and move the diverter valve so that the main drain side is turned to off. Any thing after the pump basket you will leak water. Hi: Converted my Superpump 1hp to a 1hp 2 speed this spring... works great! The following steps will show you how to prime a pool pump. If your pump basket does not fill with water, you’ll have to prime the pump.The good new is it’s pretty straight forward, just follow the steps below: Disconnect any power to the pump and move the diverter valve so that the main drain side is turned to off. When you vacuum your pool to pick up dirt and debris that has settled to the pool bottom, you typically remove the skimmer basket to fit the vacuum attachment into the skimmer. The pump should normally run "air free", that is without air running through the system. What happens when I see air bubbles in my pump basket? In a standard swimming pool setup the pump pulls the water from the pool and pushes it through the filter and then it will return to the pool or other secondary pumps might push it to a pressure cleaner or through a solar system. If your pump basket isn’t filling up with water, the problem is probably that the pump is sucking air somewhere just like we talked about in #5.