And if your cat gets a mouthful of this plant, he could be seriously injured: All parts of the plant are toxic if ingested. The ZZ Plant, who’s actual name is Zamioculcas zamiifolia, is pretty popular with plant parents everywhere, both beginner and advanced.It’s typically dubbed a “plant of steel” which basically means it’s hard to kill and resilient to overwatering, accidental dropping, ignoring, verbal mocking, and dungeon lighting. Are ZZ plants poisonous? There is no evidence that the plant gives out any poisonous chemicals into the air. Then test the soil before watering again. Learn about 10 plants that could kill you in SciShow’s first List Show! Keep it away from children and pets, and wash your hands or wear gloves if you need to handle it. ZZ plant thrives when its soil can dry out between watering. The drought-tolerant ZZ plant is a wonderful addition to low-light situations in homes and offices, but all parts of this plant are poisonous. How to Take Care of Your ZZ Plant Indoor. Houseplants 101: Care and recommendations. 14. My first answer: hogwash! You also remember to wash the hands or wear the gloves if you really need to touch this plant. Here is information on untrue rumours spread about the plant Internet discussion groups include the bogus notion the ZZ plant is so poisonous a clay pot cannot be used for another plant or can be dangerous to touch. It's best to water this plant less than too much because over-watering can cause stem and rhizome rot. Toxic plants can be a hazard to children and pets, as well as to elderly persons with dementia. ZZ plants thrive in plenty of bright, indirect light, although they can also survive just fine in low-lit environments. Let’s face it ZZ Plant is poisonous or not, for all living beings, whether people or animals. Internet discussion groups include the bogus notion the ZZ plant is so poisonous a clay pot cannot be used for another plant or can be dangerous to touch. 14. The zamioculcas zamiifolia grows fine with low levels of light, but it's best to avoid direct sunlight. My first question is “Where did you read this?” The ZZ plant is an aroid. Poisonous House Plants – Aloe Vera. Keep in mind, that it is the most poisonous if a person is consuming the leaves, and can only cause minor burning and irritation to the touch. Bright light is good but not essential. Indestructable and Poisonous. ... and the poison found in the plant has a numbing effect that can cause the tongue and throat to swell. Should also not be afraid to touch the leaves and other parts. Make your children aware of the inherent dangers of these toxic plants and teach them not to touch the plants. Keep it away from children and pets, and wash your hands or wear gloves if you need to handle it. The drought-tolerant ZZ plant is a wonderful addition to low-light situations in homes and offices, but all parts of this plant are poisonous. UVM Medical Center Blog » Blog » Poisonous Plants: What to do if… Poisonous Plants: What to do if You Touch, Eat, or Burn a Harmful Plant on September 8, 2017 in Children's Health , Family Health , Men’s Health , Wellness Tips & Wellness Articles , Women’s Health by UVM Medical Center Always wash your hands whenever handling these toxic plants. Soil: ... ZZ plants ZZ plant. Poisonous House Plants – Aloe Vera. Poisonous juice is found in all parts of this exotic beauty. Zamioculcas zamiifolia is more commonly known as the ZZ plant, because it is a mouthful to say. Yes, ZZ plants are poisonous to both humans and pets. While the ZZ plant is a fantastic plant to have because of how easy it is to care for and its benefits to the environment, it also has a reputation for being poisonous. However, even such commonly grown and useful plants may be toxic. Water the plant well, allowing excess water to thoroughly drain out of the bottom of the pot. The philodendron, ficus, and fiddle leaf fig will cause inflammation and irritation of the mouth and skin as well as gastrointestinal issues. Plant Portrait: The ZZ Plant. Check if the topsoil is dry to the touch before watering this indoor plant. Here is information on untrue rumours spread about the plant. Therefore, you ought to keep this plant away from your children as well as your pets. 8 Houseplants That Could Kill You and Your Pets. ZZ plants can cause skin and eye irritation with direct contact, and can cause stomach ache, vomiting and diarrhea if ingested.