penis yak food fried rats around instagram eaten bizarre most china pinkvilla courtesyTable 7 – Top 10 horse meat import value (1000’s of USD) by country – 2013 To be continued with a summary of all the horse slaughter and horse meat statistics and numbers we have published here, provided by Jane Allin.

A brief list of countries which eat dog meat the most. Given the historic high value of horses for transportation, eating horse meat was often a last resort. Americans love their meat, like a whole hell of a lot. The 8 most populous countries in the world consume almost 5 million horses each year. Mexico, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Belgium, Japan, Germany, Indonesia, Poland and China are among the nations where many people eat horse meat without a second thought. In Indonesia, horse satay is called sate kuda. I think that life for horses would be much worse if there was a market for human consumption. Horse meat is edible and there have been many instances in history of horses being butchered. Meat consumption per capita refers to the total meat retained for use in country per person … But only certain kinds of meat; when news broke that the Department of Agriculture was to approve a horse meat processing plant, people got upset. Yes, slaughterhouse conditions for other common livestock is horrendous, and horses are “companion animals,” but it’s not uncommon for various countries to breed horses for human consumption. Asked in … Top 10 countries ranked by horse meat export and import values Posted on Mar 16, 2017 Feb 26, 2020 by Jane Allin MARCH AGAINST HORSE SLAUGHTER — The top 10 countries with the highest horse meat export value are responsible for about 90% of the world’s total value in 1000’s of USD as shown in Table 6 and the accompanying bar chart. The wild horse and burro program bears no resemblance to the way the government handles other charismatic megafauna, some of which people hunt for sport, like wolves, or kill for meat, like bison. I would like to know what countries do not eat or slaughter horses for human consumption. The horsemeat scandal currently plaguing Europe has made even the most adventurous eaters a bit squeamish. Note: These are just a handful of the countries where the practice of eating dog meat is most prominent - to our knowledge there's no comprehensive data available on the consumption of dog meat worldwide, as such this article should only be read as a shortlist. But when you think about it, is horsemeat really that bizarre? Cheval may have a different name depending on where it … Kazakhstan: Horsemeat is also popular in Kazakhstan, according to Fox News. But many countries around the world openly serve horsemeat and it's easy to spot on menus, if you know what words to look for. Americans, for example, will not entertain the idea of eating horsemeat. In many other nations, however, eating horse meat is no big deal - and in some cultures, it's even considered a delicacy. First Place goes to Kazakhstan :) I personally love Horse Meat! Ikea pulled meatballs from 14 European countries after they were found to contain horsemeat. More than 2.6 million kilograms of horse meat, graded as high-quality, reached foreign shores last year with Russia, Hong Kong, Egypt, Japan, Vietnam, Kazakhstan and Belgium among the customers. Horse meat is popular in several European countries and horses are raised for just that purpose in France, "Viande de Cheveaux" or La Viande Chevaline. 1 / 9. But is eating horse actually better for us than other meat? Eating horse meat is quite common in many parts of the world, including France, Belgium, Switzerland, Siberia, Mexico, Canada and Japan. Which countries/nations eat horse meat? Answer to: Is horse meat eatable? Surprisingly, slaughtering horses for human consumption is legal in the U.S., according to a recent report from NBC News. ... look for countries where there are no horses- that'd be where you would find no horse meat consumption. In the United states it is considered illegal to slaughter horses for human consumption, but in many countries horse meat is considered no different than cow meat. But, in South America, China, Japan, and many European countries including Italy and Switzerland, horsemeat is just as common on the dinner table as other meats.