You can sow them into pots of compost in autumn and overwinter the young plants in a cold frame or cool greenhouse.
It is native to Sicily, Cyprus, southern Italy and the Aegean Islands. Growing sweet peas from seed couldn't be easier. Find your favourite sweet pea seeds online here How to plant sweet peas in the garden. You can sow your sweet pea seeds in March but growing sweet peas over winter will produce stronger, more robust plants. Sweet peas are happiest with their heads in the sun and their roots deep in cool, moist soil. Or, you can wait until spring when you can sow into pots or directly into the ground. Water in well until they’ve put on good growth. Sweet pea seeds should germinate within 10-21 days, the seedlings then need to be acclimatised to outside condition before planting out between April and May where the plants should be planted at least 15-20cm apart. Early sowing is one of the secrets of Sweet Peas: Zone 7 and colder, plant in late winter or early spring; Zone 8 and above plant Sweet Pea seeds in late fall to see late winter blooms. You should harden off sweet pea seedlings before transplanting them out into the garden. Easy-to-grow sweet peas are a classic cottage garden flower - they entice beneficial pollinators into the kitchen garden, and they provide beautiful scented blooms for our homes. BIG PACK - SWEET PEA SWEETPEA Flower Seed (400+) Lathyrus odoratus FLOWER SEEDS - HEIRLOOM MIX VERY FRAGRANT BLOOMS - Red Salmon Pink Lavender - Non-GMO Flower Seeds By MySeeds.Co (BIG PACK Sweet Pea) When possible, plant low-growing annuals in front of them to shade their roots. SWEET PEA 'LOVELY LADY' SEEDS (Lathyrus odoratus) - Plant World Seeds. The sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) is a flowering plant within the genus Lathyrus in the family Fabaceae (legumes). Spend one to two weeks putting the pots outside during the day and bringing them back under cover during the night. Annual sweet peas can be grown from seed or bought as plug plants in spring. Sow your sweet peas seeds anytime from October until March, two seeds to a pot. Alternatively the seeds can be planted in a coldframe or greenhouse to overwinter in frames to produce early blooms. I usually use root trainers – long, thin pots or cardboard loo rolls – to sow my sweet peas into. If you garden in mild winter climates (Zones 8, 9, or 10), plant sweet peas in the late fall so they can develop and bloom in late winter and early spring. The seeds have a tough coat that makes it difficult for them to germinate without a little help. How to sow sweet pea seeds. When To Start: In cold winter areas, sow in seed starting containers in early spring about 6-7 weeks before the last frost date, then plant out as soon as soil can be worked; sweet peas can handle light frosts. GROWING NOTES Sweet peas bloom best when they flower before the weather gets too hot, so if spring planting, sow as early as possible, especially in regions where summer heat comes on fast. Sprays of long-stemmed, very perfumed flowers are of a washed denim blue hue with cream coloured edges. Absolutely fabulous for cutting all summer long. It is an annual climbing plant, growing to a height of 3 ft – 6 ft when supported on a trellis or other structure . Annual types will grow to about 2m in height. Plant them under a support, such as a wigwam made of bamboo canes. Plant sweet pea seeds in spring while there is still a chance of light frost or in late fall. This allows the plants to acclimatise to the cooler outdoor air. Our Sweet Pea Seeds are on sale, by the packet or in bulk! When seedlings are 2 inches tall, thin to 4-5 inches apart to allow plants room to mature. Plant sweet pea seeds 1 inch deep and 2 to 3 inches apart. Avoid planting them in the garden until the danger of frost has passed.