It is also possible to lower it quickly through simple measures that can be carried out at home; in this OneHowTo article on how to quickly lower a fever we will show you the most effective ones. Add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 4 tablespoons of cold water. In this article I will look at the role of fever in our body, natural ways to break a fever, as well as when to seek a medical advice. Consult a physician if your body temperature reaches 105 degrees F or higher, or if the fever lasts longer than 72 hours. To reduce fever in children it is very important that they rest in a ventilated and cool room. Cold compress in known to reduce fever in children and even toddlers. A mild fever usually requires no treatment. If the room is very warm use a fan but do not aim it at the child, it should serve to make the room nice and cool. If a parent suspects that the child may have a fever, the first thing to do, of course, is to measure it. While a fever may be beneficial in fighting off an underlying infection, it can also make a child very uncomfortable. What to Do. Mustard oil and garlic are also among the top home remedies for fever in toddlers. In the same way more serious disease may cause mild fever. Fever in fact is a way body defends itself. There are completely natural methods of reducing a fever that can help a sick child feel a bit more comfortable so he/she can get some rest. A fever in a toddler that is between 100 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit usually means that the body is fighting off an infection. There are several reasons it is better not to reduce a fever. It is recommended that there be air circulating properly in the room to allow for a better environmental temperature. A mild fever usually requires no treatment. The ingredients need to be mixed well. You can often help them feel better by taking a few steps to gently reduce the fever with natural methods. Parents often consider high fever with some serious illness, but it can also occur from a minor illness such as viral disease. A fever, a common ailment among toddlers, is generally a symptom of a viral or bacterial infection. Natural home remedies for fever in babies include using a cold compress. According to The Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Children, a fever acts as a defense mechanism that helps the body to fight infection. It can be scary to see a child you care about come down with a fever. Natural home remedies for fever in babies include using a cold compress. Warm 2 Tbsp of mustard oil and add 1 Tbsp of garlic paste into it. Apple cider vinegar is effective for heat removal from the body. If you become uncomfortable, begin vomiting or have trouble sleeping, however, natural home remedies can help reduce the fever. So if you are interested in how to break a fever you must also realize that it’s not always the best thing to do. When a child is suffering from a fever, instead of giving him/her a medicine one should use some home remedies to bring the fever down. If you become uncomfortable, begin vomiting or have trouble sleeping, however, natural home remedies can help reduce the fever. Add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 4 tablespoons of cold water. When to reduce fever in children If a parent suspects that the child may have a fever, the first thing to do, of course, is to measure it. A cold compress on the forehead and nape can efficiently reduce fever in toddlers. The two work in tandem to not only reduce fever, but also help to sweat out any toxins, which are in your child’s body, and reduce aches and pains. Therefore physicians also consider other accompanying symptoms to consider … Before taking your child to sleep, you can rub his chest with Vicks Vaporub.