Log in. Crop rotation avoids this by moving crops around every season. Farm experts are of the view to rotate crops is such a manner that one cereal crop is succeeded by the legumes crop so that crop fertility remain stable. For example: A leguminous plant, lupin, has a deep root system that enables the plant to grow well in exhausted soils. Log in. It increases the need for large-scale pesticide spraying. While making nitrogen management decisions, it is very important to understand the relationship between crop rotation and nitrogen. D. It reduces pest insect populations. Benefits of Crop Rotation. Elementary School. Crop Rotation This system is the practice of growing several dissimilar or different crop types (or no crop at all) in the same area and in sequential seasons. Join now. By rotating your crops, it helps to shift the composition of the soil. Water erosion caused by the row crops can be controlled with crop rotation wit broadcast methods of sowing. The change in the soil helps to ward off diseases in your crops. Environmental Benefits of Crop Rotation Nitrogen Management. Crop rotation helps to keep your garden healthy. What is crop-rotation - 500723 1. If you don’t rotate your crops, you run the risk of depleting your soil of a particular nutrient. Following are some of the benefits: Keep the soil fertile – If you keep planting the same crops in the same area, the same nutrients from the soil are taken out of it. Rotating crops might sound like a pain since you have to continually plan where you will plant certain crops, but it’s for good reason. Benefits of Crop Rotation. Diversify soil. Crop rotation benefits. It reduces the amount of nitrogen in the soil. Crop rotation benefits. Crop Rotation This system is the practice of growing several dissimilar or different crop types (or no crop at all) in the same area and in sequential seasons. One of the main benefits of crop rotation is that a farmer is able to keep crops planted in their fields continuously. It can improve the structure of the soil, reduce the build-up of pests and pathogens, and improve the fertility of the soil. Spanish. There are several benefits to using crop rotation, including improved nutrient cycling, soil tilth, and soil physical properties; and enhanced weed control. C. It increases the need for artificial fertilizers. Crop rotation is an agricultural practice in which different crops are grown in different seasons on the sample piece of land in order to avoid the depletion of … Crop rotation, by nature, increases exposure to biomass from sod, green manure, and a various other plant debris. Crop rotation is the practice of growing a series of different types of crops in the same area in sequential season. Reducing the soil erosion: Effective crop rotation management practices reduces the soil erosion caused due to wind and water. Join now. taffy927x2 found this answer helpful. Crop rotation or Crop sequencing is the practice of growing a series of dissimilar types of crops in the same space in sequential seasons for various benefits such as to avoid the build up of pathogens and pests that often occurs when one species is continuously cropped. Crop rotation is a farming technique dating as far back as the Roman Empire or Ancient Greece. Crop rotation also may influence the rate of N mineralization or the conversion of organic N to mineral N by modifying soil moisture, soil temperature, pH, plant residue, and tillage practices. The crop rotation consists of alternating plants of different families and with different nutritional needs in the same place during different cycles, avoiding the soil to be exhausted and that the diseases that affect a type of plants to be perpetuated in a determined time. Crop rotation provides this by improving soil fertility, weed control, and soil structure. There are several benefits to using crop rotation, including improved nutrient cycling, soil tilth, and soil physical properties; and enhanced weed control. Crop rotation also helps in protecting the soil by mulching. The Benefits of Rotating Crops. A. One of the main benefits of crop rotation is that a farmer is able to keep crops planted in their fields continuously. B. An additional benefit of crop rotation systems is that farmers can intentionally select the rotation sequence that enhances soil structure when needed. If you don’t rotate your crops, you run the risk of depleting your soil of a particular nutrient. There are many benefits to using a crop rotation system. The crop rotation is a thousand years old technique that has been proven to help the environment, improve the soil and so many other things.. Diversify soil. Which of the following is a benefit of crop rotation? Crop rotation also has its drawbacks, although there are very few compared to its benefits: One disadvantage is that the pattern to follow is very limited and strict to optimize this technique to the maximum and a quarter of the land will be dedicated to one of the four plant families per year. You’ll have better produce, more reliable crops, and less work to do in maintaining your garden. Effective tool to control pest. Crop rotation is carried our extensively and is a common practice.