After being consumed by the cattle, these herbicides accumulate in their bodies and are passed along to the consumer in finished cuts of beef. Arsenic is a well-known toxic substance which is used in veterinary medicine to kill parasites. Truth! See the video for the results. Because the FTB production process separates lean beef from fat, the resulting beef is 95% lean, and is used to create the lean ground beef so popular with today's health-conscious consumer. However, its Omega-3 levels are not substantial, and not the … It is also unofficially the start of the summer grilling season. Beef now ranks number one in herbicide contamination and number two in overall pesticide contamination. For information that is technically true, but far from the expected answer. Arsenic is a well-known toxic substance which is used in veterinary medicine to kill parasites. They are instead the result of public policies that massively favor large-scale feedlots to the detriment of family farms. Some researchers have implicated free elemental non-heme (not attached to hemoglobin) iron in the blood as being a risk factor for heart disease. share. But since we are not one to waste food, I always make sure we use them. Researchers in Texas A&M University’s Department of Animal Science compared the effects of ground beef from grass-fed cattle and grain-fed cattle on risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type II diabetes in men. r/technicallythetruth. 24.1k. Continue browsing in r/technicallythetruth. Close • Posted by 1 minute ... Not far from the truth at all. This page presents the truth about beef because the beef industry won't. Feedlots and other CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations) are not the inevitable product of agricultural progress, nor are they the result of market forces. How has a system that is so wasteful come to be? The beef industry also emphasizes the cuts that are naturally low in fat as more healthy which gives the impression that the high-fat cuts are less healthy.