Find out more about our data sources. There are usually 11 days with some rain in Knoxville in December and the average monthly rainfall is 117mm. The lowest monthly average temperature in Knoxville for January is 39 degrees. The air quality index in Knoxville is 8% better than the national average. The highest monthly average temperature in Knoxville for July is 78 degrees. As of June 24, Knoxville has had 6.87 inches of rain. To find out how often it rises over 70, 80 or 90 °F each month in Knoxville, scroll down farther. Get the monthly weather forecast for Knoxville, TN, including daily high/low, historical averages, to help you plan ahead. Averages are for McGhee Tyson Airport, which is 11 miles from Knoxville. February alone had 13.08 inches of rainfall… Knoxville, Tennessee - Travel and vacation weather averages, current conditions and forecasts. Climate can mean the average weather for a particular region and time period taken over 30 years. Average monthly temperatures and weather for Knoxville (TN), united-states. Chance of rainfall chart with likely precipitation and statistics in live rain gauge Knoxville Rainfall Forecast, TN 37902 - WillyWeather Includes monthly temperatures, rainfall, hours of sunshine and relative humidity The climate guide for Knoxville, Tennessee shows long term monthly weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. This includes a climate chart for your city, indicating the monthly high temperatures and rainfall data. Recent Climate Data: Quick Climate Summary; NOAA NowData (current and past month) for West Tennessee/Middle Tennessee/East Tennessee; SRCC Station Search - types of data collected, temperature and precipitation data for past year, monthly temperature and precipitation normals, current year's graphs of temperature and precipitation Temperature by: Fahrenheit / Centigrade. ... Knoxville, TN Monthly Weather. Climate data and weather averages in Knoxville. The climate in Tennessee. June has had double the amount of rainfall than its average 2.96 inches. Check How Hot & Sunny It Is Before You Book Your Next Holiday in 2020 to Knoxville, Tennessee - USA. 1949 was the driest January with only 0.00 inches of rain falling, and 1974 was the wettest January with 8.53 inches of rain. Knoxville sunrise & sunset times for December 2020. Knoxville, Tennessee Climate - 37902 Weather, Average Rainfall, and … Get the historical monthly weather forecast for Knoxville, TN, US ... Knoxville, TN . Knoxville rain forecast information. Average Weather in Knoxville Tennessee, United States. Complete climate information for Knoxville, Tennessee. All the numbers are long-term historical averages based on climate data gathered from 1981 to 2010. The tables below display average monthly climate and weather indicators in Knoxville Tennessee. Annual Weather Averages Near Knoxville. Precipitation for January. The average hourly wind speed in Knoxville experiences mild seasonal variation over the course of the year. Find out how often it rains, snows, and the gets cold or hot in Knoxville. Knoxville Weather in December - Temperature, Rainfall & Sunshine. Get the historical monthly weather forecast for Knoxville, TN, US ... Knoxville, TN . The lowest average 31-day accumulation is 2.7 inches on August 26. Knoxville, Tennessee - Travel and vacation weather averages, current conditions and forecasts. The average temperatures and precipitation amounts for more than 132 cities in Tennessee - TN. Monthly Rainfall Information for Atlanta, Athens, Macon & Columbus