If you have a sweet tooth, unfortunately have bad coffee, or drink too much, it can lead to some serious side effects. Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects. But the truth is, as a society, we’re completely dependent—and many of us aren’t aware how the biochemical effects of this powerful substance might affect our hormones. According to the National Coffee Association, 83 percent of Americans report drinking coffee on a regular basis, with more people consuming coffee and owning their own personal coffee brewing machines in their homes each year. Coffee May Increase the Risk of Miscarriage in Pregnancy. Recovery from Cystoscopy can have minor to severe complications and side effects. Addiction to caffeine itself is a major side effect of drinking coffee that starts off seamlessly without being a noticeable change in lifestyle. As for pregnant women , it is preferable for her to drink less amount of caffeine ( about only 2 cups per day ) since side effects could also be linked to the baby ( premature birth, low birth weight .. Or rather, the key (as mentioned before) lies in the amount of coffee you drink. Whether it comes from coffee, soda or chocolate, caffeine is a stimulant that is quickly absorbed by the body and travels to the brain, where it excites the brain and nervous system. A study published in 2000 examining the effects of caffeine on bone loss in postmenopausal women concluded there was no association between caffeine consumption and bone density or bone loss 1. Even among adults, heavy caffeine use can cause unpleasant side effects. We may not be talking “sprouting warts on your tongue” or “breaking out into hives”, but the coffee side effects are very real. Women who consumed caffeine along with higher amounts of calcium suffered less bone loss than women who consumed caffeine with a lower calcium intake. Once addiction to coffee takes control and crosses 300mg per day limit, the long term side effects start to take control. Its not desirable for children to drink caffeinated coffee since these side effects are usually more severe with them. Whether it comes from coffee, soda or chocolate, caffeine is a stimulant that is quickly absorbed by the body and travels to the brain, where it excites the brain and nervous system. Coffee is highly acidic and is irritating to the gastrointestinal tract. Some research suggests that women who drink more coffee have a lower risk of developing endometrial cancer. Most women around the world drink up to 10 to 12 cups a day seldom realizing its side effects. And caffeine may not be a good choice for people who are highly sensitive to its effects or who take certain medications. Coffee's not your friend if you're prone to heartburn. Caffeine is also available in tablet form and may be purchased over the counter. … Research studies have generally linked coffee consumption with positive effects -- yet consuming too much caffeine or quitting drinking it altogether might potentially have some … Read on to get a detailed picture of caffeine side effects: 1. Yes, research shows there may be some benefits to drinking coffee. The widely experienced side effects of caffeine include dehydration, excessive production of urine leading to dehydration, stomach disorders, nausea, increased blood pressure, depression, restlessness, increased heart rate leading to death, obesity, increased body weight, and fever. But coffee definitely isn’t the healthiest beverage out there. Many expectant mothers avoid coffee due to fears over negative effects on their unborn baby. Neither will switching methods of brewing or roasting. Caffeine can enhance the effects of alcohol by suppressing its sedative effects, which means you can maintain the pleasurable effects of drinking for longer periods. Side Effects of Overconsumption Most adults don't experience the effects of caffeine intoxication while drinking less than 250 milligrams of caffeine (about 2.5 cups of coffee) per day. Caffeine has a greater effect on men than women, and that these effects start just 10 minutes after it is drunk. If you’ve had a Cystoscopy recently in Atlanta, Advanced Urology is here for you with three local surgical clinics in Johns Creek, Decatur and Snellville. And what you put in there. Image Source: Healthy Mind and Body Humor aside, coffee does, unfortunately, come with some unpleasant side effects. Coffee is America's favorite drug with around 180 million of us starting most days with a caffeine jolt to get going. Most of these side effects affect individuals who are sensitive to caffeine or tannins. Side Effects & Safety Green coffee is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth appropriately. The Flip Side. Switching to decaf won't help: In fact some research has found that decaf increases stomach acid even more than caffeinated coffee. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. That said, the potential for harm does seem to rise in a dose-dependent manner.