How to Get Your Coworker to Stop Telling You How to Do Your Job. You can show appreciation every day when dealing with people. If you’ve had co-workers and execs who think they can complete communications tasks better than you do, you’re not alone. Every workplace has them -- the negative, nagging, mean-spirited, or super-competitive people who make your work life hell. Here we go… 1. Insecure co-workers aren't just annoying to listen to, they can also be killing your team's productivity and morale. Here are ten types of shitty coworkers and how to deal with them—in gifs, of course, because gifs are the best medicine. Pick your battles. Though from a designer’s point of view, a comic from The Oatmeal titled “How a Web Design Goes Straight to Hell” chronicles the pain that know-it-alls inflict on PR pros and communicators. If she responds by, say, going to your manager and saying you’re refusing to answer her questions, you can explain the situation. You can show appreciation every day when dealing with people. If she is the only one that’s having a problem and all of your other coworkers are … Here are realistic ways to respond. Clingy coworkers generally mean well — often they’re desperate to make friends, insecure about their job performance, or just really, really like you. Workplace bullying refers to any repeated, intentional behavior directed at an employee that is intended to degrade, humiliate, embarrass, or otherwise undermine their performance. It’s five answers to five questions. No occasion is necessary. Do not let her bully you into anything. For example, you can decide in advance how to respond to the boss’s wife, let’s call her Sally. Though from a designer’s point of view, a comic from The Oatmeal titled “How a Web Design Goes Straight to Hell” chronicles the pain that know-it-alls inflict on PR pros and communicators. A needy coworker that sits behind me relies heavily on me as a lunch/social companion, I have made a few work friends myself that I prefer to hang out with ,and have tried to invite her out along as a an attempt to help her meet some new friends, but she always ends up completely silent at the table and makes everyone uncomfortable. At my company, we have a couple of grammar fanatics who go out of their way to correct people even when they’re not in the conversation. You can tell your colleagues, coworkers, and employees how much you value them and their contribution any day of the year. Enjoy, and leave your own in the comments. You also can learn how to respond to authority. The Insulter is generally impatient, unfriendly, disrespectful, and hypercritical of co-workers. Trust this fact. After more than 30 years in private practice, psychiatrist Judith Orloff, 60, has heard thousands of stories of coworkers and bosses whose difficult … No occasion is necessary. Each day you can soak up how to run a fast food business, and more, you can learn how not to interact with coworkers. How to Deal with Workplace Bullying and Harassment. An intolerable cousin of The Nitpicker, this person has nothing good to say about you or to you. Should a bossy person rule the roost in the workplace? “Dealing with a know-it-all can be exhausting and there are times when your best response is to ignore their ‘helpful’ hints as much as possible,” Collamer says. Rinse and repeat as necessary. Two coworkers are attacking people over grammar. You can tell your colleagues, coworkers, and employees how much you value them and their contribution any day of the year. If you’ve had co-workers and execs who think they can complete communications tasks better than you do, you’re not alone. Trust this fact. You dread going to work in fear of being chastised by The Insulter for a mistake you've made. So you respond, “As I’ve just explained, I’m not currently working right now so this will have to wait. 2. But well-intentioned or not, nothing derails productivity more. Thanks for understanding.” Click. There's always one.