And the “angmo” pearl barley they are referring to is actually the one exported from Holland. I simmered a tablespoon of pearl barley in two quarts of water for about 45 minutes and drank a cup morning and evening. TCM Chinese Herbs, Health Benefits of Chinese Pearl Barley (Job's Tears, Coixseed) 薏苡 or 薏仁: Promote healthy blood sugar: The fiber content in barley will prevent blood sugar levels from rising too high. All these are excellent for your skin. For example, it is also high in fiber - about 20 percent for the whole grain, less - but still a fair amount - when the grain is polished like pearl barley. I personally do roughly 2 parts mung bean powder to 3 parts Chinese pearl barley powder, but the great thing about it is that you can customize it to fit your skin — the more mung bean powder you add, the ‘deeper’ the cleansing effect (and hence, more drying). About a month into the barley water regimen, I did a double take when I looked in the mirror. 1. Beauty Benefits of Barley: 21. Barley, especially the black variety, has properties that may make it an effective treatment for skin problems like acne, hyperpigmentation (age spots) and wrinkles. I notice not all supermarkets sell this in Singapore. I suspect the reason this is used is because many Chinese families are confused and do not know the difference between pearl barley vs Chinese barley. By the way, Hato mugi/Job’s tears are not barley! My skin was clear. Bring the mixture to the boil over a medium heat. The drink prepared by mixing barley flour with water is considered as a healthy choice. Selenium in Barley Improves Skin Elasticity. Additionally, you can add Chinese pearl barley to bean and vegetable soups. It is easily soluble in water and can thus be consumed as barley juice. Learn more about barley’s health benefits, and how to prepare and serve it, here. However, even with barley’s ancient history, Americans do not include it as one of their staple foods. One of the most important uses of barley for skin is maintenance of skin elasticity. But it is not limited to these types of soups. Barley moistens dryness and promotes diuresis. A very famous ancient Chinese doctor and pharmacologist, Li Shi Zhen (1518-1593), stated in his book Ben Cao Gang Mu that “mung beans are highly recommended not only as a rich source of nutrients but also as a medicine”. Barley flakes cook faster, because they’ve been lightly steamed and because of their greater surface area. Chinese pearl barley is a great addition to chicken, pork, beef, and coconut soups. 22. As with barley grits, flakes can be made from whole grain barley or from pearl barley, with only the former considered to be whole grains. Barley moistens dryness and promotes diuresis. Contributes to Healthy Skin. Copper is a component needed in the production of the pigment melanin. All the other health benefits of barley apply to Chinese barley as well. While it contains gluten, the protein that helps baked goods rise, the type of gluten in barley flour does not promote adequate rising on its own, so barley flour is usually used with wheat flour. Barley is very easy to digest. Benefits of barley for hair: Restores hair color: Barley has copper in it which can help in restoring the natural color of your hair. Rinse the barley under cold water until water runs clear. Most families in China eat mung beans and use them widely in different recipes, such as mung bean noodles, mung bean cake, mung bean rice, mung bean soup, mung bean desserts and even mung bean wine.