Now, Why You Should Eat Watermelon Seeds. Watermelon seeds can also be toasted in the oven at 325 F for 15 to 20 minutes. One way you could discover whether your watermelon is bad is by checking for mold or a foul smell. If anything raw watermelon seeds, though edible, are more of a bother than an actually delicious snack. “Watermelon seeds are also a valuable source of macro-nutrients like vitamin B, protein and the healthy fats. Full of Magnesium Even melons […] Homemade Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge Pops Are the Best Nostalgic Dessert Upgrade. Every part of the watermelon is edible – the juicy flesh, the high protein seeds and the rind. How to Tell if a Watermelon Is Bad. Hooray! Watch out for the seeds. Most seeds have similar benefits, so you don’t need to spend on buying packaged ones like flax seeds or chia seeds, use sun-dried watermelon seeds instead. Save Your Watermelon Seeds to Create a Nutritious Summer Snack Often there is a joke made at a summer picnic or barbecue about how if you eat the watermelon seeds, a full-size watermelon will grow in your stomach. Did you know that watermelon seeds in China, eastern China particularly are covered in exploded fruit? It's hard to do elegantly. Allow to cool completely before eating. As the oil is easily absorbed by your scalp, it is said to help treat an itchy scalp and ensure healthy hair growth, although further research is needed to conclusively prove these claims. One of the things I noticed during my first few weeks in China is that Chinese people eat a lot of seeds. Here’s at least 7 ways to eat watermelon: fresh cool watermelon flesh raw sprouted watermelon seeds roasted watermelon seeds roasted watermelon seed flour watermelon seed tea watermelon rind pickle iced lime watermelon rind Last Saturday, […] My lesson came from seeing a package of sprouted watermelon seeds at the supermarket. It does, so if you want to take a shortcut, you're in luck since sprouted watermelon seeds are now popping up in stores. Watermelon is a refreshing fruit with nutritious seeds which when roasted or dried can be eaten as a healthy snack. Human body is capable of digesting fruit seeds. They're nontoxic, and the seeds won't be able to grow in your stomach acid. You can eat watermelon seeds raw, straight from the fruit. The seeds' main benefits, though, come from their mineral content. 1. Watermelon Done Right: De-Seed Like a Pro: Watermelon is a passionate, deeply luscious fruit that demands to be treated like the lady she is. You can also soak them in salt water, let dry completely, and then roast in the oven. Although many people spit them out -- or simply buy seedless watermelons -- watermelon seeds can also contribute to a healthy diet. Watermelon seeds are packed with valuable nutrients and … Watermelon seeds seem to be an inconvenience that get in the way of eating delicious watermelon. While it is simple to direct-sow watermelon seeds, you can also start watermelon seedlings indoors 4–6 weeks before the last frost date. Spit them into a small cup if you're inside, or take the melon outside and have a spitting contest in the yard. If you've ever eaten a watermelon, hopefully you've realized that it isn't true. Watch: This is the easiest way to de-seed a watermelon News24. Aside from eating watermelon seeds, you can also use watermelon seed oil to improve your hair health. There’s certainly no shortage of nut butters on the market, but brace yourselves: the future of alternative spreads is here, and we’re only just getting started. Are watermelon seeds really safe or even healthy to digest? Cancel Unsubscribe. This part of watermelon has many health benefits and is remarkably rich in protein. Once sprouted, shelled and dried, watermelon seeds become edible, protein-packed treasures.