Remedy the situation by using distilled water whenever you clean your cabinets. With our laminate doors, you can enjoy the cabinets you want without having to routinely clean them. I've tried kitchen cleaner and I've tried washing up liquid to no avail. Use a soft brush to clean these areas. Dry with a soft cloth. These solutions are available at most hardware and grocery stores. ... Wash your cupboards with a fizzy mixture of 1 cup vinegar, 2 cups warm water and 1 tablespoon baking soda. Laminate Cabinet Doors When you feel they need an overall clean, we recommend warm water with a soft sponge. How to Remove Yellow Cooking Odor Stain from White Kitchen Cabinet Doors. 2 Pencil for cleaning kitchen “gunk” with vegetable oil and baking soda, it made perfect sense to me! There are a number of natural, home-spun cleaning solutions that are supposed to clean grease from cabinets, but some options should be avoided. Do not use abrasive cleaners or cleaning pads. ... such as where the door meets the edge of the frame. How To Clean Gloss Kitchen Doors Alasdair 2nd October 2017 We love talking about the design construction of kitchen units , as well as commenting on beautiful spaces – but we also want to provide you with some practical tips for keeping your kitchen units and doors in tip-top shape. However, when the inevitable splatter from sauces and drops of grease gather on the surface of the shiny structures, they need to be thoroughly cleaned. How We Did It. Sprinkle baking soda onto a clean damp cloth and scrub the cabinet. Because laminate holds up quite well and is far less expensive than other countertop surfaces, it has remained a viable countertop surface option for so long. Combine 2 cups of hot water, 1/2 teaspoon of vegetable-based detergent, 1/2 teaspoon of Epsom salts and 2 teaspoons of a sodium-borate detergent in a … High gloss cabinets in the kitchen are attractive and relatively easy to maintain. Does anyone have any experience of cleaning wooden kitchen cupboard doors that can help me. This method also works for removing mild rust stains from kitchen surfaces. The best way to clean kitchen cabinets would involve switching the water you use. Another option is to mix vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray it onto the cabinets. A how-to for removing those pesky yellow stains from cabinets and other surfaces. Can anyone suggest what I can use to clean them without damaging them. Cleaning Laminate, RTF and Painted Cabinet Doors. The best way to avoid any problematic cleaning jobs is to keep your cabinets as clean as possible during routine chores. I eagerly decided to give it a try it on my “gunky” kitchen cabinets! Scuffs: Remove scuffs caused by shoes, tables, or chairs with a soft eraser. Just spray a towel and apply it to the surface (rather than spraying directly on the cabinets). We refer to our laminate doors as “maintenance-free” for a reason—they’re designed to be easy to keep clean. For laminate or painted cabinets, use a homemade alkaline mixture to degrease your cabinets and clean oily fingerprints and grime. The cupboard where we keep the cooking oils have oily fingerprints on them and we cannot get them off. The secret to achieving a long-lasting finish is sanding and using the right primer. Stains wipe off easily, but oily fingerprints do not! Follow our cleaning tips to ensure your doors look freshly fitted for months and years to come. If these treatments also don't work, consider purchasing a special cleaning solution for your bathroom or kitchen cleaning tasks. Read on for some helpful tips on cleaning your laminate cabinets. Saturate a clean rag in the cleaning solution and squeeze the excess moisture out of it. Combine 2 … Soak a clean cloth in the solution, then wring out most of the moisture and wipe down your greasy cabinets. I've had enough with cleaning the dark Laminate we have. Dust Regularly. You want your new kitchen doors to look good as new for as long as possible - but when you're busy cooking, eating and spending time in the kitchen, it's not always easy. Surface cleaners like 409 or Windex can be used to spot-clean. Fortunately, laminate cabinets are some of the easier types of cabinets to clean, provided that you know how to go about doing it properly. Laminate Cabinet Doors When you feel they need an overall clean, we recommend warm water with a soft sponge. The doors are oak. Rinse with clear water, and dry with a soft cloth. Cleaning Laminate.. What's YOUR best … Use a second cloth or sponge dipped in clean water to remove the cleaner from all surfaces. If any sticky spots remain, dampen your wet cloth with undiluted white vinegar, and give it another wipe-down, applying a bit more pressure if needed. Ideally, you should wipe down the exterior of your cabinets every week, or at least every other week.