Large, lush hanging baskets of petunias or pansies hanging from lampposts on the street, or cascading from the front porch of your neighbor’s home. Wave petunias come in several varieties: trailing, mounding, and spreading types. Do you have to deadhead petunias? They’re easy to care for, inexpensive, and fill the garden with a large variety of colors all summer long. They're usually grown as annuals in all of the U.S. Department of Agriculture zones. Petunias are long-blooming flowers in a wide variety of types, shapes and colors. I watch gardeners are they pick up their petunias and how they take care of the dead bloom. TIP: Petunias in containers are more prone to leggy development. Petunias are among the most popular of garden flowers. Deadheading not only helps prolong blooming, … And remember to water the spreading varieties and those in containers more often. For growing best petunias in pots, your growing medium must drain freely. sandyman720. Watch them closely and prune when growing too tall. If you are placing in pots, containers or hanging baskets, use a … However, if you plant petunias in containers they’ll need to be watered almost daily. An easy way to deadhead some plants is to trim them back with shears. However, if the plants begin to look forlorn, leggy and ragged in midsummer, it's fine to … I have to water them every night and they are still dying off. Petunias are annual flowers that blossom in the spring until the first frost in the fall. Get deadheading tips for petunias here.. Many just pull the bloom out of the stem, which is wrong because you are leaving the seed there to develop. How to Prune Petunias. Wave petunias prefer a … Petunias are one of the most popular garden flowers for both borders and containers. Often, Wave petunias grow all season without the need for pruning. Like any living thing, petunias need water to survive. Fertilize for prolific blooms. Unfortunately, those colorful blossoms die off quickly, leaving you the job of deadheading petunias. Unfortunately, those colorful blossoms die off quickly, leaving you the job of deadheading petunias.