There are many exciting project ideas at Science Buddies for students interested in agriculture, plant, and food science. Students interested in plants, farming, agriculture, water conservation, and food sciences may enjoy projects like these: What are some fast growing plants for your science fair project? How do they know how to grow towards the sun? How can plants be so diverse and survive in so many kinds of climates? Plant-based Projects Take Time! I did some research and it seems like bean plants could be a good one. After learning what plants need for growth, try growing sweet potato in your science desk or kitchen science lab. You could measure height, width, number of leaves, how fast the plants grow, number of flowers or yield. If you’re skeptical about the efficacy of this trick, try a science project, ideal for middle school students, that compares plants grown in ordinary soil to plants with the coffee boost. For many gardeners, waiting for seeds to germinate and plants to grow is part of the hobby's reward. Pick a Plant Science or Agriculture Project. I am doing a science fair project on Magnets and their affect on the grouth of plants. See our Get Started on a "Growing" Science Project post for a helpful set of reminders for taking on a project that needs to be done over days, weeks, or months. Kids will to see the changes over time and watch the sprouts and roots. Build this simple light maze, and watch the plant grow around the obstacles to reach the light! This simple growing plants science experiment is a great way to demonstrate to preschoolers what plants need. Any suggestions? Place the last two plants in a room in the house that has normal, regular noise, such as your living room. I need a plant that grows fast ,like 2 weeks fast, and it needs to grow leaves. What would the best plant be to use as a control and so on. Why do some plants not have seeds? Most plants come from seeds.In my experiment, I wanted to learn how long it takes a seed to start to grow.I planted pinto bean seeds and kidney bean seeds to see how fast they would grow.I planted some pinto bean seeds and kept them in the dark to see if they would grow.I checked the seeds two times a day to see when they germinated. Growing plants with preschoolers provides hands-on, real life experience about what plants need to grow. Disclaimer and Safety Precautions provides the Science Fair Project Ideas for informational purposes only. Abstract. Each day, play classical music to the plants in Room 1 for an hour. For my science project I am doing the effect of color lights on plant growth. Fast Plants. ... Do the different fertilizers change how the plants grow? Place two plants in a room that is almost completely silent. These plants will be exposed to classical music for part of the day. Both plants are speed demons in the plant world. Explore the amazing and beautiful world of plants with an experiment from our collection of plant biology projects. Can your plant complete its maze? Also do you have any info on what i … 2011 VIRTUAL SCIENCE FAIR ENTRY. 3 ... Allelopathy is a chemical process that a plant uses to keep other plants from growing too close to it. Botany and Plant Growth Science Projects. Answer. Any ideas? Have you ever noticed how plants grow toward the light? Benefits of Growing Plants with Preschoolers. Wiki User January 09, 2011 5:10AM. What do you think? Try experimenting with different mazes and see how the plant reacts. does not make any guarantee or representation regarding the Science Fair Project Ideas and is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage, directly or indirectly, caused by your use of such information. Before starting a garden, it’s important for kids to understand what plants need to grow. Radishes can go from seed to edible radish in less than a month. After coffee is brewed, the used grounds often end in the trash -- but you can add this “waste” to soil to improve plant growth. Understanding photosynthesis is a key launching point for plant science explorations in high school and beyond. Plants also play a significant role in the environment by influencing climate and producing life-giving oxygen. Fast plants are plants specifically bred to sprout and flower quickly for science projects. Plant project studies allow us to learn about plant biology and potential usage for plants in other fields such as medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology. Most radishes also bolt quickly in the heat of summer.