For a cutting, place the bottom of the trimmed piece into rooting hormone. Read on to know how! Generally, the bamboo plant we grow in our houses is the lucky bamboo or the Dracaena sanderiana.. You can grow lucky bamboo in water. With a spade or saw, cut pieces of the grove apart to remove all pieces above ground. I’ve successfully cut my Dracaena marginatas and Dracaena reflexa Song Of India back before so I figured this would go well. It does, however, have a tendency to splinter. Use sharp, clean pruning shears to cut the stalks from the bamboo. Cut it in a slight 45-degree angle with a sharp knife. Find the answer to that question in this article. It is a very simple task to cut bamboo.The plant is hardy and difficult to kill as long as it has water. As well, the health of the bamboo can also benefit from it. When and when not to transplant the bamboo plant? With a little bit of care, you can have a beautiful plant for yourself. The roots of the bamboo plant are amazingly tough. Indoors, they can quickly reach a height of 3 feet or more, prompting gardeners to ask, Can you prune lucky bamboo? It does, however, have a tendency to splinter. There are three relatively easy methods of bamboo cuttings: root mass divisions, rhizome cuttings, and culm burial. Add a couple extra to make up for potential loss, rot or failure to set root. It can greatly enhance the beauty and aesthetics of bamboo. Keep the plant moist and warm until new growth begins to emerge. Lucky bamboo plants are common houseplants, and are fun and easy to grow. Each method has different moisture and soil requirements. How to Transplant Bamboo. Pruning and thinning of bamboo is not essential but has many benefits. How to Grow Bamboo from Cuttings in Water? Despite the name, lucky bamboo isn't really bamboo, and is instead a species of Dracaena. Cut the grove to ground level. It's grown about 1.5 ft since I got it, and this "new" growth consists of a bunch of leaves sprouting off the centre stem. There's not much bamboo can't do. Cutting down bamboo for harvesting or simply for pruning to control size, shape or spread of the plant, can be accomplished with a few household tools, depending on the size of the diameter of the stalks, or culms, as they are called. Cut the stalks from the bamboo. Nodes are where the pieces of the stem join together. When you are pruning, a splinter is not going to ruin your work, but if you are building something with it, split bamboo can seem like a disaster. As well, the health of the bamboo can also benefit from it. Cut branches as close to the culm as possible, using a sharp knife, pruning shears or clippers. A tool called a bamboo slammer, which looks like a heavier version of a lawn edging tool, is useful for cutting through a root mass when dividing plants. Rooting lucky bamboo in soil. Dip the ends of cuttings in melted wax. Choose a healthy bamboo stalk from an established plant. Count down from the top three nodes and cut this part off, too. The pruning or thinning of bamboo should be done in late summer or fall, after the shooting season is finished.