The aspiration for a /t/ &am How to pronounce c/o. Introductory textbooks often mark the long vowels with a macron (horizontal line) over the vowel, so a is always the short pronunciation … ina pronunciation - How to properly say ina. Listen to the audio pronunciation in the Cambridge English Dictionary. I can't believe this wasn't addressed in the Oatmeal Comic but I usually say the letters or replace it with "for example" (and now, thanks to the comic, I'll replace it with "in other words" instead and use e.g. Give it a try on your own, then click the word to hear the correct pronunciation. Definitions. Definitions., A Free Online Audio Pronunciation dictionary with audio pronunciation and definition of a word, for everyone to learn the way in which a word or name is spoken and to share, so that people can say it correctly. Unlike the similar words, pronouncing the "t" in "often" has returned in some modern usage. Come, with the ‘uh’ as in ‘butter’ and the lips close for the M consonant sound. Definitions. What to Know. Learn how to pronounce fluctueront and more about the fluctueront word at "Big Oh of n": if you want the specific notation and how typically it is said. Many people cannot pronounce the "r" sound in the English language. The easiest way to learn how to pronounce Latin vowels is to read texts designed for students. Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English ... How to pronounce n't in American English I don’t, tongue up to the roof of the mouth for the N, and again for the N in know. Listen to the audio pronunciation in the Cambridge English Dictionary. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. Listen to the audio pronunciation in several English accents. Unlike the similar words, pronouncing the "t" in "often" has returned in some modern usage. This section has some simple rules and examples that will greatly improve your pronunciation and save you much time in learning English pronunciation. when I mean "for example"). How to use pronounce in a sentence. Give it a try on your own, then click the word to hear the correct pronunciation. Thus the "n" of "bank" and the n of banco are similar. If it had a line above the letter it would be pronounced Zoey rather than Zo's. Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English .