Any even number is a lucky number like 2, 6 and 8; odd numbers are considered unlucky like 3, 5 and 7. The three main lucky colors considered lucky in people's daily lives as well as on special occasions are red, yellow, and green. The number 2The Chinese strongly believe in harmony and balance, hence even numbers naturally gain preference over odd numbers. So, Chinese take lucky numbers combination into important consideration in daily life, such as in occasions when they buy residences, choose telephone numbers, select a date of a wedding ceremony, and pick an identification number for their vehicle. Lucky red Chinese New Year lanterns Colors are important to Chinese culture as they are endowed with lucky meanings. Lucky Colors in China . The number 0 is a whole number as well as an even one, especially for money, and is thus considered a lucky digit. Though it is considered to be a lucky number, some enumerate it among the unlucky numbers because 1+3 adds up to 4. Chinese Numerology is to serve us, like Feng Shui. In the traditional Chinese culture, 7 represents the combination of Yin, Yang and Five Elements. If you have time and money, then go to your local store and find one of ceramic door numbers with a circle around the number. You might even see a home in a more expensive neighborhood priced at $888,888. People with the lucky number 7 usually like to explore the causes of the matters. Cure Number 3. These numbers are also applied to I- Ching and to Feng shui for furniture and buildings. Feng Shui house numbers for good luck use numerology calculations. According to them, a number may not be absolutely lucky or unlucky but it gives them an indication as to their effect. Do not be afraid of numbers. A Chinese life style gives too much importance to these numbers, always being on the lookout for lucky numbers for their benefits and unlucky numbers to avoid any mishap in their lives. Lucky Floor Numbers for Apartment in Feng Shui When hunting or purchasing an apartment, besides considering its color, shape and surroundings, you should choose a favorable floor number which could bring you good luck. 8 and any number with this number such as 18,28…: stands for being rich. Numerology and Feng Shui 'Nothing we learn in this world is ever wasted.' Chinese Unlucky Number 13. This energy has very clear characteristics, it has a language of its own, so by approaching the feng shui of house numbers with a curious, and not fearful mind, you will be amazed at how much info is revealed to you with something as simple as numbers. With numerology -- the symbolism of numbers -- you can gain help in assessing the luck of a Feng Shui number of a house, home… At the same time, the number 4 is considered unlucky in Chinese culture because it sounds like the Chinese … Chinese Lucky Numbers and Unlucky Numbers One. In Feng Shui, all even numbers (2,4,6…) are counted as Ying and all uneven numbers (1,3,5,…) as Yang. Chinese Unlucky Number 14. In the Eastern or Chinese culture, the number one stands for loneliness and back luck, for authority. Choose a house, a unit and a car that you really like first, then worry about the numbers. They believe lucky numbers can … Feng Shui numerology - Choosing the right number for luck and happiness Are you prepared for 2020? We all know that there are Chinese lucky numbers and the unlucky ones that applies to a whole lot of situations and emblems. Let’s start to decipher the Chinese lucky numbers and unlucky numbers one by one now. Home Chinese Culture Lucky Colors & Numbers . In this, again, there is a 'subdivision' because the 'luckiness' or 'unluckiness' of the numeral depends on it pronunciation or the Chinese belief in the number. In this, again, there is a 'subdivision' because the 'luckiness' or 'unluckiness' of the numeral depends on it pronunciation or the Chinese belief in the number. Number 14 is considered to be the worst number among all the unlucky numbers. The '1' in the number 14 does not represent loneliness; instead it means 'guaranteed'. But when interpreting the meaning the meanings of the numbers, bear in mind that it is important to know that the meanings differ in different regions and also depending on the dialect. Any even number is a lucky number like 2, 6 and 8; odd numbers are considered unlucky like 3, 5 and 7. The best Feng Shui House numbers for a home or office are 1, 2, 3, 6, 8 and 9. This energy has very clear characteristics, it has a language of its own, so by approaching the feng shui of house numbers with a curious, and not fearful mind, you will be amazed at how much info is revealed to you with something as simple as numbers.