Yes it does change color, i just started a couple days and it flushes you out. Reply. These include chemicals like latex, which is found in high quantities in the unripe papaya fruit. By. Today I ate papaya one plate full plate in morning and I went to stool at noon and i had smell of papaya in stool. Is Why does my stool smell like fish your major concern? Try eating foods rich in magnesium to see if this clears up your problem. Foul-smelling stool has a particularly bad odor. In particular, latex can cause contractions that make consumption of a lot of papaya, especially unripe papaya, dangerous to … This means, that if you are taking any fibrous fruits like papaya, banana, orange or guava, then you should also drink a lot of water. Anyone else notice this? Also, as it ripens, the skin will change from a greenish color to a golden color. Solve your problem quick & easy with online consultation. Before you enjoy this delicious fruit, learn how you can tell if a papaya is bad, how to cut a papaya and the best way to consume a papaya. You want to inspect the fruit for a sweet smell near the stem portion of the fruit. It’s made of everything that’s left after your body absorbs nutrients from the foods you eat and liquids you drink. Perhaps you're a Super Smeller. Bowel movements immediately after eating may be a symptom of Crohn’s disease. It didn' ... until later on in the evening and I noticed my stomach started tingling and feeling of air in my stomach immediately after like 3 ... they deny it but I can smell it almost all the time even after a shower and I put on alot of deodorant and colone but smells … But I finally realized after 2 or 3 years I smell like poop. Kindly advice. Eating smaller and more frequent meals can ensure effective digestion and maximal absorption. I just want to have a normal bowel! Eating certain foods can make your urine smell like coffee or rotten cabbage, and it can change to fluorescent yellow and even to green in some instances. So you don't want to deodorize your va-jay-jay so much that it smells like rain. Foul-smelling stool has an unusually strong, putrid smell. Kinda close to bathroom today. That’s nothing to be alarmed about, and should turn back to its original brown with your next movement. So, what happens if you cut open a papaya and it smells bad (some people even say they smell like vomit)? Of course, it could just be that you don't like the taste of papaya. However, if the reason for the red stool is not clear, ... Several different types of food with natural or artificial coloring may cause red in the stool, which looks like blood, but it isn't. Sometimes it smells like dank bud out of the blue for me, yes sometimes when I'm dropping a deuce, but sometimes at a store, or somewhere I don't smoke in the apartment, or sometimes on campus. Idk. When ripe, papaya will smell very sweet. lool or is it just me. I have acid reflux problem also. I know the fruit has good health properties so I saved the seeds and flesh.Before I eat it , I want to know if I would be eating a rotten fruit or is papaya a mystery fruit that smells diff to diff people. If you are an avid reader of The Alternative Daily, you’ve probably seen some of the articles we’ve published on poop and what it should look like. Lol good luck. What Does A Normal Vagina Smell Like? It is also extremely rich in water which will go through you in less than an hour on an empty stomach. I'm not talking about the vomit-flavored jelly means. Green Stools Eating vegetables, such as leafy greens, can result in green colored stools. Eating certain foods can make your urine smell like coffee or rotten cabbage, and it can change to fluorescent yellow and even to green in some instances.