I won’t argue about either of those but it can also be an awful lot of fun. Get your fingers colored & … When it’s dry, it would be a great fort for the children to play in. 15. Tape a large piece of paper on a nonporous surface. Your 1- or 2-year-old probably makes artwork daily with smashed food on his high chair, so why not utilize those skills with finger painting? Get creative with surfaces to paint on - the high chair tray, a cookie sheet, a large plastic storage container lid, a tarp or piece of plastic sheeting. This age group can explore in many ways, all while getting a rich sensory experience. The trick to painting with one year olds is that you need to be prepared and get set up before you get them involved. My First Crayola: Fingerpaint Kit. Add 1 or 2 drops food coloring and mix thoroughly. Paper plates provide the perfect canvas for kids–they're sturdy enough for paint and glue, and double as a convenient paint palette. If possible strap them in. Trust me, the paint will wash away in no time (well, perhaps a little time) but the memories will stay...Read More » Finger painting has many developmental, educational and creative benefits. 4. Easy Crafts for a 1-Year-Old. And I made this list of “Activities for 1 year olds… Share 1K. Preschoolers can finger paint paper plates, then add construction paper faces and limbs to create their own petting zoos. My 16 month old? Some fun painting activities that one year olds will love are: Finger Painting Cotton Bud Painting Painting with Trucks and Cars; Painting with kitchen items (why use a brush – that’s boring!) Get in touch with your crafty side with these amazing (and easy!) 3. 16 Easy Art Projects For Your 1-Year Old. This age group can explore in many ways, all while getting a rich sensory experience. As George is getting older, it’s getting more interesting to keep him entertained during activities with Henry. In fact, your child’s paper will likely be nothing more than a soaked sheet with layers of paint. Senses of hearing, touching, smelling and tasting are used. Paint or hair gel inside a freezer bag, use painter's tape over white paper. He’s a total taby. ... Work on finger painting with food! 9 Tips For Finger Painting With Your Toddler 1. The best part about Easy Finger Painting Ideas for Kids is that the messier it gets, the more fun it is and kids tend to portray their skills better if they have a structured idea of how to proceed in a particular direction. Make bubbly finger paints with one part colorful juice to three parts warm water. Specially For Kids ! A taby is “not a baby anymore, but definitely not a toddler”. Show them how they can take the ball and place it in the muffin tin. Some one-year-old children may not have the capabilities of holding a paint brush or would much rather use their fingers and hands. These art activities for 1 year old are safe for toddlers, and encourage them to engage with materials around them to … Kids learn how colors work, especially mixing primary colors. Put down a drop cloth, get your washable paints (always get washable at this age.